Commit 88a840e5 by Patrik Lundin

Dont exit in FreeBSD/NetBSD subclass in check mode

* As the FIXMEs note: only exit if enable state is going to change.
* This is already handled in service_enable_rcconf() being called by both subclasses.
parent 0c00dcca
......@@ -595,10 +595,6 @@ class FreeBsdService(Service):
self.rcconf_key = "%s_enable" %
# FIXME: detect the enablement state rather than just running the command
if self.module.check_mode:
self.module.exit_json(changed=True, msg="editing service enablement")
return self.service_enable_rcconf()
def service_control(self):
......@@ -678,10 +674,6 @@ class NetBsdService(Service):
self.rcconf_value = "NO"
# FIXME: need to decide whether to run enablement command or not
if self.module.check_mode:
self.module.exit_json(changed=True, msg="editing service enablement")
rcfiles = [ '/etc/rc.conf' ] # Overkill?
for rcfile in rcfiles:
if os.path.isfile(rcfile):
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