Commit 8478e826 by James Tanner

Fixes #4583 enforce that vars_files is a list

parent 92edf99c
......@@ -74,6 +74,8 @@ class Play(object):
# We first load the vars files from the datastructure
# so we have the default variables to pass into the roles
self.vars_files = ds.get('vars_files', [])
if not isinstance(self.vars_files, list):
raise errors.AnsibleError('vars_files must be a list')
# now we load the roles into the datastructure
......@@ -83,6 +85,8 @@ class Play(object):
# and finally re-process the vars files as they may have
# been updated by the included roles
self.vars_files = ds.get('vars_files', [])
if not isinstance(self.vars_files, list):
raise errors.AnsibleError('vars_files must be a list')
# template everything to be efficient, but do not pre-mature template
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