Commit 82e8d677 by Toshio Kuratomi

Test the git changes for the git module's recursive flag

parent cb53b0f9
Subproject commit 9fe5c2af2dcfb125398475e4ed0b740e71d70709
Subproject commit 63e81cfc2e0c3c07245342cd41a0ba147eac55be
......@@ -22,6 +22,11 @@
repo_format1: ''
repo_format2: ''
repo_format3: 'ssh://'
repo_submodules: ''
repo_submodules_newer: ''
repo_submodule1: ''
repo_submodule1_newer: ''
repo_submodule2: ''
- "{{ lookup('env','HOME') }}/.ssh/known_hosts"
- '/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts'
......@@ -147,3 +152,141 @@
- assert:
- 'git_result.changed'
# Submodule tests
# Repository A with submodules defined (repo_submodules)
# .gitmodules file points to Repository I
# Repository B forked from A that has newer commits (repo_submodules_newer)
# .gitmodules file points to Repository II instead of I
# .gitmodules file also points to Repository III
# Repository I for submodule1 (repo_submodule1)
# Has 1 file checked in
# Repository II forked from I that has newer commits (repo_submodule1_newer)
# Has 2 files checked in
# Repository III for a second submodule (repo_submodule2)
# Has 1 file checked in
- name: clear checkout_dir
file: state=absent path={{ checkout_dir }}
- name: Test that clone without recursive does not retrieve submodules
repo: '{{ repo_submodules }}'
dest: '{{ checkout_dir }}'
recursive: no
- command: 'ls -1a {{ checkout_dir }}/submodule1'
register: submodule1
- assert:
that: '{{ submodule1.stdout_lines|length }} == 2'
- name: clear checkout_dir
file: state=absent path={{ checkout_dir }}
- name: Test that clone with recursive retrieves submodules
repo: '{{ repo_submodules }}'
dest: '{{ checkout_dir }}'
recursive: yes
- command: 'ls -1a {{ checkout_dir }}/submodule1'
register: submodule1
- assert:
that: '{{ submodule1.stdout_lines|length }} == 4'
- name: Copy the checkout so we can run several different tests on it
command: 'cp -pr {{ checkout_dir }} {{ checkout_dir }}.bak'
- name: Check that modules will be updated if main repo is not
command: git config --replace-all remote.origin.url {{ repo_submodule1_newer }}
chdir: "{{ checkout_dir }}/submodule1"
- git:
repo: '{{ repo_submodules }}'
dest: '{{ checkout_dir }}'
update: yes
recursive: yes
track_submodules: yes
- command: 'ls -1a {{ checkout_dir }}/submodule1'
register: submodule1
- debug: var=submodule1
- assert:
that: '{{ submodule1.stdout_lines|length }} == 5'
ignore_errors: true
- name: Restore checkout to prior state
file: state=absent path={{ checkout_dir }}
- command: 'cp -pr {{ checkout_dir }}.bak {{ checkout_dir }}'
- name: Test that update without recursive does not change submodules
command: 'git config --replace-all remote.origin.url {{ repo_submodules_newer }}'
chdir: '{{ checkout_dir }}'
- git:
repo: '{{ repo_submodules_newer }}'
dest: '{{ checkout_dir }}'
recursive: no
update: yes
track_submodules: yes
- command: 'ls -1a {{ checkout_dir }}/submodule1'
register: submodule1
- stat:
path: '{{ checkout_dir }}/submodule2'
register: submodule2
- command: 'ls -1a {{ checkout_dir }}/submodule2'
register: submodule2
- assert:
that: '{{ submodule1.stdout_lines|length }} == 4'
- assert:
that: '{{ submodule2.stdout_lines|length }} == 2'
- name: Restore checkout to prior state
file: state=absent path={{ checkout_dir }}
- command: 'cp -pr {{ checkout_dir }}.bak {{ checkout_dir }}'
- name: Test that update with recursive updated existing submodules
command: 'git config --replace-all remote.origin.url {{ repo_submodules_newer }}'
chdir: '{{ checkout_dir }}'
- git:
repo: '{{ repo_submodules_newer }}'
dest: '{{ checkout_dir }}'
update: yes
recursive: yes
track_submodules: yes
- command: 'ls -1a {{ checkout_dir }}/submodule1'
register: submodule1
- assert:
that: '{{ submodule1.stdout_lines|length }} == 5'
- name: Test that update with recursive found new submodules
command: 'ls -1a {{ checkout_dir }}/submodule2'
register: submodule2
- assert:
that: '{{ submodule2.stdout_lines|length }} == 4'
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