Commit 7b8f24ad by Antti Rasinen

Make zfs set_property accept values with embedded spaces

Converting the argument list to a string with ' '.join causes
the shell interpreter to misparse spaces in property values.
Since the zfs command does not need shell anywhere, using
a list instead of a string works just as well with run_command. 

Fixes #3545.
parent 76705725
......@@ -292,11 +292,9 @@ class Zfs(object):
if self.module.check_mode:
self.changed = True
cmd = [self.module.get_bin_path('zfs', True)]
cmd.append(prop + '=' + value)
(rc, err, out) = self.module.run_command(' '.join(cmd))
cmd = self.module.get_bin_path('zfs', True)
args = [cmd, 'set', prop + '=' + value,]
(rc, err, out) = self.module.run_command(args)
if rc == 0:
self.changed = True
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