Commit 78b5cd64 by Michael DeHaan

Add pydoc for constructors. Some arguments can be trimmed as we plan to remove…

Add pydoc for constructors.  Some arguments can be trimmed as we plan to remove the need for them (like setup_cache and
maybe module_vars) with various pending refactoring.
parent 377488aa
......@@ -66,6 +66,24 @@ class PlayBook(object):
stats = None,
sudo = False):
playbook: path to a playbook file
host_list: path to a file like /etc/ansible/hosts
module_path: path to ansible modules, like /usr/share/ansible/
forks: desired level of paralellism
timeout: connection timeout
remote_user: run as this user if not specified in a particular play
remote_pass: use this remote password (for all plays) vs using SSH keys
sudo_pass: if sudo==True, and a password is required, this is the sudo password
remote_port: default remote port to use if not specified with the host or play
transport: how to connect to hosts that don't specify a transport (local, paramiko, etc)
override_hosts: skip the inventory file, just talk to these hosts
callbacks output callbacks for the playbook
runner_callbacks: more callbacks, this time for the runner API
stats: holds aggregrate data about events occuring to each host
sudo: if not specified per play, requests all plays use sudo mode
if playbook is None or callbacks is None or runner_callbacks is None or stats is None:
raise Exception('missing required arguments')
......@@ -85,7 +85,6 @@ class Runner(object):
......@@ -93,6 +92,31 @@ class Runner(object):
host_list : path to a host list file, like /etc/ansible/hosts
module_path : path to modules, like /usr/share/ansible
module_name : which module to run (string)
module_args : args to pass to the module (string)
forks : desired level of paralellism (hosts to run on at a time)
timeout : connection timeout, such as a SSH timeout, in seconds
pattern : pattern or groups to select from in inventory
remote_user : connect as this remote username
remote_pass : supply this password (if not using keys)
remote_port : use this default remote port (if not set by the inventory system)
sudo_pass : sudo password if using sudo and sudo requires a password
background : run asynchronously with a cap of this many # of seconds (if not 0)
basedir : paths used by modules if not absolute are relative to here
setup_cache : this is a internalism that is going away
transport : transport mode (paramiko, local)
conditional : only execute if this string, evaluated, is True
callbacks : output callback class
sudo : log in as remote user and immediately sudo to root
module_vars : provides additional variables to a template. FIXME: just use module_args, remove
is_playbook : indicates Runner is being used by a playbook. affects behavior in various ways.
inventory : inventory object, if host_list is not provided
if setup_cache is None:
setup_cache = {}
if basedir is None:
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