Commit 753ebea1 by Michael DeHaan

Prefer categorized modules to uncategorized, such that if someone does an…

Prefer categorized modules to uncategorized, such that if someone does an install on top of old content
the categorized modules will win over the 1.1 uncategorized modules, as the packages may not automatically
clean up the old content.
parent cd57d599
......@@ -108,11 +108,11 @@ class PluginLoader(object):
# look in any configured plugin paths, allow one level deep for subcategories
configured_paths = self.config.split(os.pathsep)
for path in configured_paths:
contents = glob.glob("%s/*" % path)
for c in contents:
if os.path.isdir(c):
# look for any plugins installed in the package subtree
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