Commit 73c1ccf5 by Kevin Bell Committed by James Cammarata

Added an integration test for the ec2_asg module

parent 26aaa7bc
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
#- { role: test_ec2_eip, tags: test_ec2_eip }
#- { role: test_ec2_ami, tags: test_ec2_ami }
#- { role: test_ec2, tags: test_ec2 }
- { role: test_ec2_asg, tags: test_ec2_asg }
# complex test for ec2_elb, split up over multiple plays
# since there is a setup component as well as the test which
......@@ -117,13 +117,22 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
elb = boto.connect_elb(aws_access_key_id=opts.ec2_access_key,
asg = boto.connect_autoscale(aws_access_key_id=opts.ec2_access_key,
# Delete matching keys
delete_aws_resources(aws.get_all_key_pairs, 'name', opts)
# Delete matching groups
# Delete matching security groups
delete_aws_resources(aws.get_all_security_groups, 'name', opts)
# Delete matching ASGs
delete_aws_resources(asg.get_all_groups, 'name', opts)
# Delete matching launch configs
delete_aws_resources(asg.get_all_launch_configurations, 'name', opts)
# Delete ELBs
delete_aws_resources(elb.get_all_load_balancers, 'name', opts)
# tasks file for test_ec2_asg
# ============================================================
# create and kill an ASG
- name: lookup ami id
ec2_ami_search: distro=ubuntu region={{ ec2_region }} release=trusty
register: ubuntu_image
- name: ensure launch config exists
name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-lc"
ec2_access_key: "{{ ec2_access_key }}"
ec2_secret_key: "{{ ec2_secret_key }}"
region: "{{ ec2_region }}"
image_id: "{{ ubuntu_image.ami }}"
instance_type: t1.micro
- name: launch asg
name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-asg"
ec2_access_key: "{{ ec2_access_key }}"
ec2_secret_key: "{{ ec2_secret_key }}"
launch_config_name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-lc"
min_size: 1
max_size: 1
region: "{{ ec2_region }}"
state: present
- name: pause for a bit to make sure that the group can't be trivially deleted
pause: seconds=30
- name: kill asg
name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-asg"
ec2_access_key: "{{ ec2_access_key }}"
ec2_secret_key: "{{ ec2_secret_key }}"
region: "{{ ec2_region }}"
state: absent
async: 300
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