Commit 7216a2b1 by Seth Vidal Committed by Michael DeHaan

add a '*' option for name to state=latest to do a global update

parent 27fcfe9c
......@@ -544,9 +544,20 @@ def latest(module, items, repoq, yum_basecmd, conf_file, en_repos, dis_repos):
pkg = None
basecmd = 'update'
cmd = ''
# groups, again
if spec.startswith('@'):
pkg = spec
elif spec == '*': #update all
# use check-update to see if there is any need
rc,out,err = module.run_command(yum_basecmd + ['check-update'])
if rc == 100:
cmd = yum_basecmd + [basecmd]
res['results'].append('All packages up to date')
# dep/pkgname - find it
if is_installed(module, repoq, spec, conf_file, en_repos=en_repos, dis_repos=dis_repos):
......@@ -574,8 +585,8 @@ def latest(module, items, repoq, yum_basecmd, conf_file, en_repos, dis_repos):
pkg = spec
cmd = yum_basecmd + [basecmd, pkg]
if not cmd:
cmd = yum_basecmd + [basecmd, pkg]
if module.check_mode:
return module.exit_json(changed=True)
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