Commit 71949fbc by Anton Lindström

Make pip dry run work better for the common case

This change allows the pip module to figure out if something needs to be done during
a dry run using 'pip freeze'. This is implemented for the most basic case: name,
version and state=(present|absent). In other cases it will fall back to the old
parent b3cdcbff
......@@ -153,6 +153,19 @@ def _get_full_name(name, version=None):
resp = name + '==' + version
return resp
def _is_present(name, version, installed_pkgs):
for pkg in installed_pkgs:
if '==' not in pkg:
[pkg_name, pkg_version] = pkg.split('==')
if pkg_name == name and (version is None or version == pkg_version):
return True
return False
def _get_pip(module, env=None, executable=None):
# On Debian and Ubuntu, pip is pip.
......@@ -295,13 +308,32 @@ def main():
cmd += ' %s' % _get_full_name(name, version)
elif requirements:
cmd += ' -r %s' % requirements
if module.check_mode:
this_dir = tempfile.gettempdir()
if chdir:
this_dir = os.path.join(this_dir, chdir)
if module.check_mode:
if env or extra_args or requirements or state == 'latest' or not name:
elif name.startswith('svn+') or name.startswith('git+') or \
name.startswith('hg+') or name.startswith('bzr+'):
freeze_cmd = '%s freeze' % pip
rc, out_pip, err_pip = module.run_command(freeze_cmd, cwd=this_dir)
if rc != 0:
out += out_pip
err += err_pip
is_present = _is_present(name, version, out.split())
changed = (state == 'present' and not is_present) or (state == 'absent' and is_present)
module.exit_json(changed=changed, cmd=freeze_cmd, stdout=out, stderr=err)
rc, out_pip, err_pip = module.run_command(cmd, path_prefix=path_prefix, cwd=this_dir)
out += out_pip
err += err_pip
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