Commit 6524809a by James Cammarata

Merge pull request #7994 from adamnbowen/patch-2

Correct typo: 'additioanl' -> 'additional'
parents 3613cb0c 0c3d7f1b
......@@ -580,7 +580,7 @@ and less information has to be shared with remote hosts.
Orchestration in the Rackspace Cloud
Ansible is a powerful orchestration tool, and rax modules allow you the opportunity to orchestrate complex tasks, deployments, and configurations. The key here is to automate provisioning of infrastructure, like any other pice of software in an environment. Complex deployments might have previously required manual manipulation of load balancers, or manual provisioning of servers. Utilizing the rax modules included with Ansible, one can make the deployment of additioanl nodes contingent on the current number of running nodes, or the configuration of a clustered application dependent on the number of nodes with common metadata. One could automate the following scenarios, for example:
Ansible is a powerful orchestration tool, and rax modules allow you the opportunity to orchestrate complex tasks, deployments, and configurations. The key here is to automate provisioning of infrastructure, like any other pice of software in an environment. Complex deployments might have previously required manual manipulation of load balancers, or manual provisioning of servers. Utilizing the rax modules included with Ansible, one can make the deployment of additional nodes contingent on the current number of running nodes, or the configuration of a clustered application dependent on the number of nodes with common metadata. One could automate the following scenarios, for example:
* Servers that are removed from a Cloud Load Balancer one-by-one, updated, verified, and returned to the load balancer pool
* Expansion of an already-online environment, where nodes are provisioned, bootstrapped, configured, and software installed
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