Commit 626e8f35 by Daniel Néri

Fix two misspellings of the apt module's "fail_json" function

parent 4578b172
......@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ def install(pkgspec, cache, upgrade=False):
cmd = "%s -q -y install '%s'" % (APT, pkgspec)
rc, out, err = run_apt(cmd)
if rc:
json_fail(msg="'apt-get install %s' failed: %s" % (pkgspec, err))
fail_json(msg="'apt-get install %s' failed: %s" % (pkgspec, err))
return True
return False
......@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ def remove(pkgspec, cache, purge=False):
cmd = "%s -q -y %s remove '%s'" % (APT, purge, pkgspec)
rc, out, err = run_apt(cmd)
if rc:
json_fail(msg="'apt-get remove %s' failed: %s" % (pkgspec, err))
fail_json(msg="'apt-get remove %s' failed: %s" % (pkgspec, err))
return True
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