Commit 60d64251 by Michael DeHaan

Allow gather_facts: False in a playbook as a way of disabling the fact step if you know

you aren't going to need it.
parent 3466ad5e
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ Ansible Changes By Release
* error reporting if with_items value is unbound
* with_items no longer creates lots of tasks, creates one task that makes multiple calls
* can use host_specific facts inside with_items (see above)
* at the top level of a playbook, set 'gather_facts: False' to skip fact gathering
0.5 "Amsterdam" ------- July 04, 2012
......@@ -273,14 +273,17 @@ class PlayBook(object):
def _do_setup_step(self, play):
''' get facts from the remote system '''
host_list = [ h for h in self.inventory.list_hosts(play.hosts)
if not (h in self.stats.failures or h in self.stats.dark) ]
if not play.gather_facts:
return {}
setup_args = {}
host_list = [ h for h in self.inventory.list_hosts(play.hosts)
if not (h in self.stats.failures or h in self.stats.dark) ]
# push any variables down to the system
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class Play(object):
'hosts', 'name', 'vars', 'vars_prompt', 'vars_files',
'handlers', 'remote_user', 'remote_port',
'sudo', 'sudo_user', 'transport', 'playbook',
'tags', '_ds', '_handlers', '_tasks'
'tags', 'gather_facts', '_ds', '_handlers', '_tasks'
# *************************************************
......@@ -47,22 +47,24 @@ class Play(object):
hosts = ';'.join(hosts)
hosts = utils.template(hosts, playbook.extra_vars, {})
self._ds = ds
self.playbook = playbook
self.hosts = hosts = ds.get('name', self.hosts)
self.vars = ds.get('vars', {})
self.vars_files = ds.get('vars_files', [])
self.vars_prompt = ds.get('vars_prompt', {})
self.vars = self._get_vars(self.playbook.basedir)
self._tasks = ds.get('tasks', [])
self._handlers = ds.get('handlers', [])
self.remote_user = ds.get('user', self.playbook.remote_user)
self.remote_port = ds.get('port', self.playbook.remote_port)
self.sudo = ds.get('sudo', self.playbook.sudo)
self.sudo_user = ds.get('sudo_user', self.playbook.sudo_user)
self.transport = ds.get('connection', self.playbook.transport)
self.tags = ds.get('tags', None)
self._ds = ds
self.playbook = playbook
self.hosts = hosts = ds.get('name', self.hosts)
self.vars = ds.get('vars', {})
self.vars_files = ds.get('vars_files', [])
self.vars_prompt = ds.get('vars_prompt', {})
self.vars = self._get_vars(self.playbook.basedir)
self._tasks = ds.get('tasks', [])
self._handlers = ds.get('handlers', [])
self.remote_user = ds.get('user', self.playbook.remote_user)
self.remote_port = ds.get('port', self.playbook.remote_port)
self.sudo = ds.get('sudo', self.playbook.sudo)
self.sudo_user = ds.get('sudo_user', self.playbook.sudo_user)
self.transport = ds.get('connection', self.playbook.transport)
self.tags = ds.get('tags', None)
self.gather_facts = ds.get('gather_facts', True)
print "self.gather_facts: %s" % self.gather_facts
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