Commit 5f7cc8f0 by Brian Coca

changed from hash_merge to combine vars which resets default to

overwrite and not merge hashing
corrected merge vs combined in all pertinent sections
fixed typoe in combined_Vars
removed redundant inventory call, moved grousp to proper priority
readded inventory vars to runner's vars
correclty added inventory this time
parent 4db4fcd5
......@@ -116,8 +116,8 @@ class Play(object):
_tasks = ds.pop('tasks', [])
_handlers = ds.pop('handlers', [])
temp_vars = utils.merge_hash(self.vars, self.vars_file_vars)
temp_vars = utils.merge_hash(temp_vars, self.playbook.extra_vars)
temp_vars = utils.combine_vars(self.vars, self.vars_file_vars)
temp_vars = utils.combine_vars(temp_vars, self.playbook.extra_vars)
ds = template(basedir, ds, temp_vars)
ds['tasks'] = _tasks
......@@ -646,9 +646,9 @@ class Play(object):
dirname = os.path.dirname(original_file)
# temp vars are used here to avoid trampling on the existing vars structures
temp_vars = utils.merge_hash(self.vars, self.vars_file_vars)
temp_vars = utils.merge_hash(temp_vars, mv)
temp_vars = utils.merge_hash(temp_vars, self.playbook.extra_vars)
temp_vars = utils.combine_vars(self.vars, self.vars_file_vars)
temp_vars = utils.combine_vars(temp_vars, mv)
temp_vars = utils.combine_vars(temp_vars, self.playbook.extra_vars)
include_file = template(dirname, tokens[0], temp_vars)
include_filename = utils.path_dwim(dirname, include_file)
......@@ -666,11 +666,11 @@ class Runner(object):
# Then we selectively merge some variable dictionaries down to a
# single dictionary, used to template the HostVars for this host
temp_vars = self.inventory.get_variables(host, vault_password=self.vault_pass)
temp_vars = utils.merge_hash(temp_vars, inject['combined_cache'])
temp_vars = utils.merge_hash(temp_vars, self.play_vars)
temp_vars = utils.merge_hash(temp_vars, self.play_file_vars)
temp_vars = utils.merge_hash(temp_vars, self.extra_vars)
temp_vars = utils.merge_hash(temp_vars, {'groups': inject['groups']})
temp_vars = utils.combine_vars(temp_vars, inject['combined_cache'] )
temp_vars = utils.combine_vars(temp_vars, {'groups': inject['groups']})
temp_vars = utils.combine_vars(temp_vars, self.play_vars)
temp_vars = utils.combine_vars(temp_vars, self.play_file_vars)
temp_vars = utils.combine_vars(temp_vars, self.extra_vars)
hostvars = HostVars(temp_vars, self.inventory, vault_password=self.vault_pass)
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