Commit 5a63a48e by Michael DeHaan

No need to feed variables into the setup module for preservation since the file…

No need to feed variables into the setup module for preservation since the file is no longer saved to disk.
parent 227c500a
......@@ -235,26 +235,6 @@ class Runner(object):
return remote
# *****************************************************
def _add_setup_vars(self, inject, args):
''' setup module variables need special handling '''
is_dict = False
if type(args) == dict:
is_dict = True
# TODO: keep this as a dict through the whole path to simplify this code
for (k,v) in inject.iteritems():
if not k.startswith('facter_') and not k.startswith('ohai_') and not k.startswith('ansible_'):
if not is_dict:
if str(v).find(" ") != -1:
v = "\"%s\"" % v
args += " %s=%s" % (k, str(v).replace(" ","~~~"))
return args
# *****************************************************
def _execute_module(self, conn, tmp, remote_module_path, args,
async_jid=None, async_module=None, async_limit=None):
......@@ -321,11 +301,6 @@ class Runner(object):
inject['groups'] = group_hosts
if self.module_name == 'setup':
if not args:
args = {}
args = self._add_setup_vars(inject, args)
if type(args) == dict:
args = utils.jsonify(args,format=True)
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