Commit 5951f14d by James Cammarata

Merge pull request #7915 from gitaarik/devel

Add examples for `shell` and `command` modules.
parents e4a4152f 59d98993
......@@ -77,11 +77,19 @@ author: Michael DeHaan
# Example from Ansible Playbooks
# Example from Ansible Playbooks.
- command: /sbin/shutdown -t now
# Run the command if the specified file does not exist
# Run the command if the specified file does not exist.
- command: /usr/bin/ arg1 arg2 creates=/path/to/database
# You can also use the 'args' form to provide the options. This command
# will change the working directory to somedir/ and will only run when
# /path/to/database doesn't exist.
- command: /usr/bin/ arg1 arg2
chdir: somedir/
creates: /path/to/database
def main():
......@@ -53,6 +53,17 @@ author: Michael DeHaan
# Execute the command in remote shell; stdout goes to the specified
# file on the remote
# file on the remote.
- shell: >> somelog.txt
# Change the working directory to somedir/ before executing the command.
- shell: >> somelog.txt chdir=somedir/
# You can also use the 'args' form to provide the options. This command
# will change the working directory to somedir/ and will only run when
# somedir/somelog.txt doesn't exist.
- shell: >> somelog.txt
chdir: somedir/
creates: somelog.txt
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