Commit 4e9a9706 by Dag Wieers

Add an only_if option to vars_prompt to make prompts conditional

Sometimes you may want to allow variables through host_vars or inventory, but prompt for a value if it is not set or if the value does not conform to something specific. This option allows you to specify when you want to offer a prompt.

This patch also moves check_conditional to utils, and adds an is_unset() function which is nicer to read:

    only_if: "not is_set('${var}')"


    only_if: "is_unset('${var}')"
parent 3939f7a8
......@@ -172,8 +172,10 @@ class Play(object):
encrypt = var.get("encrypt", None)
salt_size = var.get("salt_size", None)
salt = var.get("salt", None)
conditional = var.get("only_if", 'True')
vars[vname] = self.playbook.callbacks.on_vars_prompt(vname, private, prompt,encrypt, confirm, salt_size, salt)
if utils.check_conditional(conditional):
vars[vname] = self.playbook.callbacks.on_vars_prompt(vname, private, prompt,encrypt, confirm, salt_size, salt)
elif type(self.vars_prompt) == dict:
for (vname, prompt) in self.vars_prompt.iteritems():
......@@ -329,12 +329,8 @@ class Runner(object):
self.module_args = new_args
self.module_args = utils.template(self.basedir, self.module_args, inject)
def _check_conditional(conditional):
def is_set(var):
return not var.startswith("$")
return eval(conditional)
conditional = utils.template(self.basedir, self.conditional, inject)
if not _check_conditional(conditional):
if not utils.check_conditional(conditional):
result = utils.jsonify(dict(skipped=True))
self.callbacks.on_skipped(host, inject.get('item',None))
return ReturnData(host=host, result=result)
......@@ -93,6 +93,13 @@ def is_failed(result):
return ((result.get('rc', 0) != 0) or (result.get('failed', False) in [ True, 'True', 'true']))
def check_conditional(conditional):
def is_set(var):
return not var.startswith("$")
def is_unset(var):
return var.startswith("$")
return eval(conditional)
def prepare_writeable_dir(tree):
''' make sure a directory exists and is writeable '''
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