Commit 45cf1dbb by Michael Peters

Fixing issue #7906

Catch any InvalidInstanceID.NotFound errors coming from the boto library
when trying to find the newly created instance. When this happens We should
just wait and try again.
parent f8bf9cde
......@@ -921,7 +921,15 @@ def create_instances(module, ec2, override_count=None):
num_running = 0
wait_timeout = time.time() + wait_timeout
while wait_timeout > time.time() and num_running < len(instids):
res_list = ec2.get_all_instances(instids)
res_list = ec2.get_all_instances(instids)
except boto.exception.BotoSeverError, e:
if e.error_code == 'InvalidInstanceID.NotFound':
num_running = 0
for res in res_list:
num_running += len([ i for i in res.instances if i.state=='running' ])
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