Commit 44cab4bf by Sam Pierson

[#9048] convert Route53 TTL to integer before comparison

boto/Route53 are returning TTL as a string.
The route53 module is comparing it with an integer and therfore thinks the DNS entry has always changed.
parent 6b1ae82a
......@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ def main():
record['ttl'] = rset.ttl
record['value'] = ','.join(sorted(rset.resource_records))
record['values'] = sorted(rset.resource_records)
if value_list == sorted(rset.resource_records) and record['ttl'] == ttl_in and command_in == 'create':
if value_list == sorted(rset.resource_records) and int(record['ttl']) == ttl_in and command_in == 'create':
if command_in == 'get':
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