Commit 441062f0 by James Cammarata

Cleaning up whitspace issues in the mysql_user module

parent 892c5943
......@@ -242,16 +242,14 @@ def privileges_unpack(priv):
for item in priv.split('/'):
pieces = item.split(':')
if pieces[0].find('.') != -1:
pieces[0] = pieces[0].split('.')
for idx, piece in enumerate(pieces):
if pieces[0][idx] != "*":
pieces[0][idx] = "`" + pieces[0][idx] + "`"
pieces[0] = '.'.join(pieces[0])
pieces[0] = pieces[0].split('.')
for idx, piece in enumerate(pieces):
if pieces[0][idx] != "*":
pieces[0][idx] = "`" + pieces[0][idx] + "`"
pieces[0] = '.'.join(pieces[0])
output[pieces[0]] = pieces[1].upper().split(',')
if '*.*' not in output:
output['*.*'] = ['USAGE']
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