Commit 4290a904 by Philipp Grau

Add note: Debian Squeeze has no add-apt-repository

parent 9b15b5d5
......@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ options:
choices: [ "present", "absent" ]
- This module works on Debian and Ubuntu only and requires C(apt-add-repository) be available on destination server. To ensure this package is available use the C(apt) module and install the C(python-software-properties) package before using this module.
- This module works not on Debian Squeeze (Version 6) as there is no implementation of C(add-apt-repository) in C(python-software-properties)
- A bug in C(apt-add-repository) always adds C(deb) and C(deb-src) types for repositories (see the issue on Launchpad U(, if a repo doesn't have source information (eg MongoDB repo from 10gen) the system will fail while updating repositories.
author: Matt Wright
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