Commit 40e02040 by James Laska

Correct assert and add with_items test

parent 00ed610a
......@@ -20,21 +20,39 @@
- name: cleanup old files
shell: rm -rf {{output_dir}}/*
- name: make a new file
copy: dest={{output_dir}}/foo.txt mode=0644 content="hello world"
- name: create test new files
copy: dest={{output_dir}}/{{item}} mode=0644 content="hello world"
- foo.txt
- bar.txt
- name: synchronize file to new filename
synchronize: src={{output_dir}}/foo.txt dest={{output_dir}}/foo.result
register: sync_result
- debug: var=sync_result
- assert:
- assert:
- "'changed' in sync_result"
- "sync_result.changed == true"
- "'cmd' in sync_result"
- "'rsync' in sync_result.cmd"
- "'msg' in sync_result"
- "sync_result.msg == '>f+++++++++ foo.txt\n'"
- "sync_result.msg.startswith('>f+')"
- "sync_result.msg.endswith('+ foo.txt\n')"
- name: synchronize files using with_items (issue#5965)
synchronize: src={{output_dir}}/{{item}} dest={{output_dir}}/{{item}}.result
- foo.txt
- bar.txt
register: sync_result
- debug: var=sync_result
- assert:
- "sync_result.changed"
- "sync_result.msg == 'All items completed'"
- "'results' in sync_result"
- "sync_result.results|length == 2"
- "sync_result.results[0].msg.endswith('+ foo.txt\n')"
- "sync_result.results[1].msg.endswith('+ bar.txt\n')"
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