Commit 3eab663f by Ralph Bean

Remove duplicate docs in digital ocean module.

The EXAMPLES block here has two copies of the same docs,
one nicely formatted, the other less so.

It looks like a pass was made to clean up the docs but the old
cruftier ones were never removed.
parent 31ec42ef
......@@ -134,30 +134,6 @@ EXAMPLES = '''
- digital_ocean: state=present command=ssh name=my_ssh_key ssh_pub_key='ssh-rsa AAAA...' client_id=XXX api_key=XXX
If a key matches this name, will return the ssh key id and changed = False
If no existing key matches this name, a new key is created, the ssh key id is returned and changed = False
# Create a new Droplet
- digital_ocean: state=present command=droplet name=my_new_droplet client_id=XXX api_key=XXX size_id=1 region_id=2 image_id=3 wait_timeout=500
Will return the droplet details including the droplet id (used for idempotence)
# Ensure a droplet is present
- digital_ocean: state=present command=droplet id=123 name=my_new_droplet client_id=XXX api_key=XXX size_id=1 region_id=2 image_id=3 wait_timeout=500
If droplet id already exist, will return the droplet details and changed = False
If no droplet matches the id, a new droplet will be created and the droplet details (including the new id) are returned, changed = True.
# Create a droplet with ssh key
- digital_ocean: state=present ssh_key_ids=id name=my_new_droplet client_id=XXX api_key=XXX size_id=1 region_id=2 image_id=3
The ssh key id can be passed as argument at the creation of a droplet (see ssh_key_ids).
Several keys can be added to ssh_key_ids as id1,id2,id3
The keys are used to connect as root to the droplet.
import sys
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