Commit 3e5add9e by Jesse Keating

Pin modules to the matching stable-1.9 branch

This is to keep module changes on devel from breaking when ran on
stable-1.9 Ansible.
parent 9bf06bfe
[submodule "lib/ansible/modules/core"]
path = lib/ansible/modules/core
url =
branch = devel
branch = stable-1.9
[submodule "lib/ansible/modules/extras"]
path = lib/ansible/modules/extras
url =
branch = devel
branch = stable-1.9
[submodule "v2/ansible/modules/core"]
path = v2/ansible/modules/core
url =
branch = devel
branch = stable-1.9
[submodule "v2/ansible/modules/extras"]
path = v2/ansible/modules/extras
url =
branch = devel
branch = stable-1.9
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