* fireball mode -- ansible can bootstrap a ephemeral 0mq (zeromq) daemon that runs as a given user and expires after X period of time. It is very fast.
* playbooks with errors now return 2 on failure. 1 indicates a more fatal syntax error. Similar for /usr/bin/ansible
* server side action code (template, etc) are now fully pluggable
Other Core Changes:
* ansible config file can also go in '.ansible.cfg' in cwd in addition to ~/.ansible.cfg and /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
* fix for inventory hosts at API level when hosts spec is a list and not a colon delimited string
* ansible-pull example now sets up logrotate for the ansible-pull cron job log
@@ -15,35 +20,58 @@ Core:
* magic variable 'ansible_ssh_host' can override the hostname (great for usage with tunnels)
* date command usage in build scripts fixed for OS X
* don't use SSH agent with paramiko if a password is specified
* start of fireball mode -- ansible can bootstrap a ephemeral 0mq (zeromq) daemon that runs as a given user and expires after X period of time (WIP)
* make output be cleaner on multi-line command/shell errors
* /usr/bin/ansible now prints things when tasks are skipped, like when creates= is used with -m command and /usr/bin/ansible
* when trying to async a module that is not a 'normal' asyncable module, ansible will now let you know
* ability to access inventory variables via 'hostvars' for hosts not yet included in any play, using on demand lookups
* merged ansible-plugins, ansible-resources, and ansible-docs into the main project
* you can set ANSIBLE_NOCOWS=1 if you want to disable cowsay if it is installed. Though no one should ever want to do this! Cows are great!
* you can set ANSIBLE_FORCECOLOR=1 to force color mode even when running without a TTY
* fatal errors are now properly colored red.
* skipped messages are now cyan, to differentiate them from unchanged messages.
* extensive documentation upgrades
Highlighted playbook changes:
* is_set is available for use inside of an only_if expression: is_set('ansible_eth0'). We intend to further upgrade this with a 'when'
keyword providing better options to 'only_if' in the next release. Also is_unset('ansible_eth0')
* playbooks can import playbooks in other directories and then be able to import tasks relative to them
* FILE($path) now allows access of contents of file in a path, very good for use with SSH keys
* similarly PIPE($command) will run a local command and return the results of executing this command
* if all hosts in a play fail, stop the playbook, rather than letting the console log spool on by
* only_if using register variables that are booleans now works in a boolean way like you'd expect
* task includes now work with with_items (such as: include: path/to/wordpress.yml user=$item)
* when using a $list variable with $var or ${var} syntax it will automatically join with commas
* setup is not run more than once when we know it is has already been run in a play that included another play, etc
Other playbook changes:
* is_set is available for use inside of an only_if expression: is_set('ansible_eth0') # etc
* to_yaml and from_yaml are available as Jinja2 filters
* $group and $group_names are now accessible in with_items
* playbooks can import playbooks in other directories and then be able to import tasks relative to them
* where 'stdout' is provided a new 'stdout_lines' variable (type == list) is now generated and usable with with_items
* FILE($path) now allows access of contents of file in a path, very good for use with SSH keys
* similarly PIPE($command) will run a local command and return the results of executing this command
* when local_action is used the transport is automatically overridden to the local type
* output on failed playbook commands is now nicely split for stderr/stdout and syntax errors
* if local_action is not used and delegate_to was or localhost, use local connection regardless
* is_unset is also available in only_if in addition to is_set
* when running a playbook, and the statement has changed, prints 'changed:' now versus 'ok:' so it is obvious without colored mode
* variables now usable within vars_prompt (just not host/group vars)
* only_if using register variables that are booleans now works in a boolean way like you'd expect
* if all hosts in a play fail, stop the playbook, rather than letting the console log spool on by
* setup facts are now retained across plays (dictionary just gets updated as needed)
* task includes now work with with_items (such as: include: path/to/wordpress.yml user=$item)
* when using a $list variable with $var or ${var} syntax it will automatically join with commas
* --sudo-user now works with --extra-vars
* fix for multi_line strings with only_if
New Modules:
* ini_file module for manipulating INI files
* new LSB facts (release, distro, etc)
* new VMware ESX facts module (use with local_action or delegate_to)
* new HP ILO facts module (use with local_action or delegate_to)
* new VMware provisioning module (use with local_action or delegate_to)
* new HP ILO provisioning module (use with local_action or delegate_to)
* cleaner error messages with copy if destination directory does not exist
* setup module now still works if PATH is not set
* service module status now correct for services with 'subsys locked' status
* misc fixes/upgrades to the wait_for module
* git module now expands any "~" in provided destination paths
* ini_file module for manipulating INI files
* ignore stop error code failure for service module with state=restarted, always try to start
* inline documentation for modules allows documentation source to built without pull requests to the ansible-docs project, among other things
* new LSB facts (release, distro, etc)
* variable '$ansible_managed' is now great to include at the top of your templates and includes useful information and a warning that it will be replaced
* "~" now expanded in command module when using creates/removes