Commit 3c8b47ad by James Tanner

Verify mode for template module

parent 73f0cf36
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
# along with Ansible. If not, see <>.
- name: fill in a basic template
template: src=foo.j2 dest={{output_dir}}/foo.templated
template: src=foo.j2 dest={{output_dir}}/foo.templated mode=0644
register: template_result
- assert:
......@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@
- name: verify that the file was marked as changed
assert: { that: "template_result.changed == true" }
- name: copy known good into place
copy: src=foo.txt dest={{output_dir}}/foo.txt
......@@ -48,3 +50,13 @@
- 'diff_result.stdout == ""'
- "diff_result.rc == 0"
- name: set file mode
file: path={{output_dir}}/foo.templated mode=0644
register: file_result
- name: ensure file mode did not change
assert: { that: "file_result.changed != True" }
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