Commit 3955b8e9 by Jeremy Price

Adding the bin/ directory of the virtualenv (if you specify a virtualenv) as a…

Adding the bin/ directory of the virtualenv (if you specify a virtualenv) as a path_prefix so that other programs that only exist in the virtualenv will be available to things being installed into said virtualenv.  Classic example: installing gevent requires cython binary to be available, but if cython is in the virtualenv only it won't be found without this.
parent 9da5043f
......@@ -234,6 +234,16 @@ def main():
pip = _get_pip(module, env)
cmd = '%s %s' % (pip, state_map[state])
# If there's a virtualenv we want things we install to be able to use other
# installations that exist as binaries within this virtualenv. Example: we
# install cython and then gevent -- gevent needs to use the cython binary,
# not just a python package that will be found by calling the right python.
# So if there's a virtualenv, we add that bin/ to the beginning of the PATH
# in run_command by setting path_prefix here.
path_prefix = None
if env:
if extra_args:
cmd += ' %s' % extra_args
......@@ -279,7 +289,7 @@ def main():
if chdir:
rc, out_pip, err_pip = module.run_command(cmd)
rc, out_pip, err_pip = module.run_command(cmd, path_prefix=path_prefix)
out += out_pip
err += err_pip
if rc == 1 and state == 'absent' and 'not installed' in out_pip:
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