Commit 3763b32f by Paul Durivage

Fix issue where a container is created but is not indicating that the state was changed

parent 5a075e3b
......@@ -237,6 +237,7 @@ def container(cf, module, container_, state, meta_, clear_meta, ttl, public, pri
except Exception, e:
EXIT_DICT['changed'] = True
EXIT_DICT['created'] = True
......@@ -312,8 +313,7 @@ def container(cf, module, container_, state, meta_, clear_meta, ttl, public, pri
_locals = locals().keys()
if ('cont_created' in _locals
or 'cont_deleted' in _locals
if ('cont_deleted' in _locals
or 'meta_set' in _locals
or 'cont_public' in _locals
or 'cont_private' in _locals
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