Commit 36bd9efb by James Cammarata

Stop/remove existing docker container if the specified tag is different

Fixes #8278
parent dc23d71e
......@@ -742,6 +742,7 @@ def main():
state = module.params.get('state')
count = int(module.params.get('count'))
name = module.params.get('name')
image = module.params.get('image')
if count < 0:
module.fail_json(msg="Count must be greater than zero")
......@@ -760,12 +761,31 @@ def main():
if state in [ "running", "present" ]:
# make sure a container with `name` exists, if not create and start it
if name and "/" + name not in map(lambda x: x.get('Name'), deployed_containers):
containers = manager.create_containers(1)
if state == "present": #otherwise it get (re)started later anyways..
running_containers = manager.get_running_containers()
deployed_containers = manager.get_deployed_containers()
if name:
# first determine if a container with this name exists
existing_container = None
for deployed_container in deployed_containers:
if deployed_container.get('Name') == '/%s' % name:
existing_container = deployed_container
# the named container is running, but with a
# different image or tag, so we stop it first
if existing_container and existing_container.get('Config', dict()).get('Image') != image:
running_containers = manager.get_running_containers()
deployed_containers = manager.get_deployed_containers()
existing_container = None
# if the container isn't running (or if we stopped the
# old version above), create and (maybe) start it up now
if not existing_container:
containers = manager.create_containers(1)
if state == "present": # otherwise it get (re)started later anyways..
running_containers = manager.get_running_containers()
deployed_containers = manager.get_deployed_containers()
if state == "running":
# make sure a container with `name` is running
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