Commit 337a0059 by Andreas Fleig

apt_key: fix key lookup for 64 bit key ids

Fixes #7018 by extending `all_keys` to work with either short or long keys.

Also removes the ununsed method `key_present`.
parent a37a8424
......@@ -120,11 +120,11 @@ def check_missing_binaries(module):
if len(missing):
module.fail_json(msg="binaries are missing", names=missing)
def all_keys(module, keyring):
def all_keys(module, keyring, short_format):
if keyring:
cmd = "apt-key --keyring %s list" % keyring
cmd = "apt-key --keyring %s adv --list-public-keys --keyid-format=long" % keyring
cmd = "apt-key list"
cmd = "apt-key adv --list-public-keys --keyid-format=long"
(rc, out, err) = module.run_command(cmd)
results = []
lines = out.split('\n')
......@@ -134,11 +134,19 @@ def all_keys(module, keyring):
code = tokens[1]
(len_type, real_code) = code.split("/")
if short_format:
results = shorten_key_ids(results)
return results
def key_present(module, key_id):
(rc, out, err) = module.run_command("apt-key list | 2>&1 grep -i -q %s" % pipes.quote(key_id), use_unsafe_shell=True)
return rc == 0
def shorten_key_ids(key_id_list):
Takes a list of key ids, and converts them to the 'short' format,
by reducing them to their last 8 characters.
short = []
for key in key_id_list:
return short
def download_key(module, url):
# FIXME: move get_url code to common, allow for in-memory D/L, support proxies
......@@ -210,13 +218,15 @@ def main():
_ = int(key_id, 16)
if key_id.startswith('0x'):
key_id = key_id[2:]
key_id = key_id.upper()
except ValueError:
module.fail_json(msg="Invalid key_id", id=key_id)
# FIXME: I think we have a common facility for this, if not, want
keys = all_keys(module, keyring)
short_format = (key_id is not None and len(key_id) == 8)
keys = all_keys(module, keyring, short_format)
return_values = {}
if state == 'present':
......@@ -237,7 +247,7 @@ def main():
add_key(module, "-", keyring, data)
keys2 = all_keys(module, keyring)
keys2 = all_keys(module, keyring, short_format)
if len(keys) != len(keys2):
if key_id and not key_id in keys2:
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