Commit 3260e695 by James Cammarata

Make tmp paths in TestRunner dynamic based on pid

Fixes #4723
parent f52deaff
......@@ -168,50 +168,62 @@ class TestRunner(unittest.TestCase):
assert result.get('skipped')
def test_git(self):
self._run('file', ['path=/tmp/gitdemo', 'state=absent'])
self._run('file', ['path=/tmp/gd', 'state=absent'])
self._run('file', ['path=/tmp/gdbare', 'state=absent'])
self._run('file', ['path=/tmp/gdreference', 'state=absent'])
self._run('file', ['path=/tmp/gdreftest', 'state=absent'])
self._run('command', ['git init gitdemo', 'chdir=/tmp'])
self._run('command', ['touch a', 'chdir=/tmp/gitdemo'])
self._run('command', ['git add *', 'chdir=/tmp/gitdemo'])
self._run('command', ['git commit -m "test commit 1"', 'chdir=/tmp/gitdemo'])
self._run('command', ['touch b', 'chdir=/tmp/gitdemo'])
self._run('command', ['git add *', 'chdir=/tmp/gitdemo'])
self._run('command', ['git commit -m "test commit 2"', 'chdir=/tmp/gitdemo'])
result = self._run('git', ["repo=\"file:///tmp/gitdemo\"", "dest=/tmp/gd"])
pid = os.getpid()
git_demo = "gitdemo%d" % pid
git_dm = "gitdm%d" % pid
git_bare = "gdbare%d" % pid
git_ref = "gdref%d" % pid
git_reftest = "gdreftest%d" % pid
self._run('file', ['path=/tmp/%s' % git_demo, 'state=absent'])
self._run('file', ['path=/tmp/%s' % git_dm, 'state=absent'])
self._run('file', ['path=/tmp/%s' % git_bare, 'state=absent'])
self._run('file', ['path=/tmp/%s' % git_ref, 'state=absent'])
self._run('file', ['path=/tmp/%s' % git_reftest, 'state=absent'])
self._run('command', ['git init %s' % git_demo, 'chdir=/tmp'])
self._run('command', ['touch a', 'chdir=/tmp/%s' % git_demo])
self._run('command', ['git add *', 'chdir=/tmp/%s' % git_demo])
self._run('command', ['git commit -m "test commit 1"', 'chdir=/tmp/%s' % git_demo])
self._run('command', ['touch b', 'chdir=/tmp/%s' % git_demo])
self._run('command', ['git add *', 'chdir=/tmp/%s' % git_demo])
self._run('command', ['git commit -m "test commit 2"', 'chdir=/tmp/%s' % git_demo])
result = self._run('git', ["repo=\"file:///tmp/%s\"" % git_demo, "dest=/tmp/%s" % git_dm])
assert result['changed']
# test the force option not set
self._run('file', ['path=/tmp/gd/a', 'state=absent'])
result = self._run('git', ["repo=\"file:///tmp/gitdemo\"", "dest=/tmp/gd", "force=no"])
self._run('file', ['path=/tmp/%s/a' % git_dm, 'state=absent'])
result = self._run('git', ["repo=\"file:///tmp/%s\"" % git_demo, "dest=/tmp/%s" % git_dm, "force=no"])
assert result['failed']
# test the force option when set
result = self._run('git', ["repo=\"file:///tmp/gitdemo\"", "dest=/tmp/gd", "force=yes"])
result = self._run('git', ["repo=\"file:///tmp/%s\"" % git_demo, "dest=/tmp/%s" % git_dm, "force=yes"])
assert result['changed']
# test the bare option
result = self._run('git', ["repo=\"file:///tmp/gitdemo\"", "dest=/tmp/gdbare", "bare=yes", "remote=test"])
result = self._run('git', ["repo=\"file:///tmp/%s\"" % git_demo, "dest=/tmp/%s" % git_bare, "bare=yes", "remote=test"])
assert result['changed']
# test a no-op fetch, add origin for el6 versions of git
self._run('command', ['git remote add origin file:///tmp/gitdemo', 'chdir=/tmp/gdbare'])
result = self._run('git', ["repo=\"file:///tmp/gitdemo\"", "dest=/tmp/gdbare", "bare=yes"])
self._run('command', ['git remote add origin file:///tmp/%s' % git_demo, 'chdir=/tmp/%s' % git_dm])
result = self._run('git', ["repo=\"file:///tmp/%s\"" % git_demo, "dest=/tmp/%s" % git_bare, "bare=yes"])
assert not result['changed']
# test whether fetch is working for bare repos
self._run('command', ['touch c', 'chdir=/tmp/gitdemo'])
self._run('command', ['git add *', 'chdir=/tmp/gitdemo'])
self._run('command', ['git commit -m "test commit 3"', 'chdir=/tmp/gitdemo'])
result = self._run('git', ["repo=\"file:///tmp/gitdemo\"", "dest=/tmp/gdbare", "bare=yes"])
self._run('command', ['touch c', 'chdir=/tmp/%s' % git_demo])
self._run('command', ['git add *', 'chdir=/tmp/%s' % git_demo])
self._run('command', ['git commit -m "test commit 3"', 'chdir=/tmp/%s' % git_demo])
result = self._run('git', ["repo=\"file:///tmp/%s\"" % git_demo, "dest=/tmp/%s" % git_bare, "bare=yes"])
assert result['changed']
# test reference repos
result = self._run('git', ["repo=\"file:///tmp/gdbare\"", "dest=/tmp/gdreference", "bare=yes"])
result = self._run('git', ["repo=\"file:///tmp/%s\"" % git_bare, "dest=/tmp/%s" % git_ref, "bare=yes"])
assert result['changed']
result = self._run('git', ["repo=\"file:///tmp/gitdemo\"", "dest=/tmp/gdreftest", "reference=/tmp/gdreference/"])
result = self._run('git', ["repo=\"file:///tmp/%s\"" % git_demo, "dest=/tmp/%s" % git_reftest, "reference=/tmp/%s/" % git_ref])
assert result['changed']
assert os.path.isfile('/tmp/gdreftest/a')
result = self._run('command', ['ls', 'chdir=/tmp/gdreference/objects/pack'])
assert os.path.isfile('/tmp/%s/a' % git_reftest)
result = self._run('command', ['ls', 'chdir=/tmp/%s/objects/pack' % git_ref])
assert result['stdout'] != ''
result = self._run('command', ['ls', 'chdir=/tmp/gdreftest/.git/objects/pack'])
result = self._run('command', ['ls', 'chdir=/tmp/%s/.git/objects/pack' % git_reftest])
assert result['stdout'] == ''
# cleanup
self._run('file', ['path=/tmp/%s' % git_demo, 'state=absent'])
self._run('file', ['path=/tmp/%s' % git_dm, 'state=absent'])
self._run('file', ['path=/tmp/%s' % git_bare, 'state=absent'])
self._run('file', ['path=/tmp/%s' % git_ref, 'state=absent'])
self._run('file', ['path=/tmp/%s' % git_reftest, 'state=absent'])
def test_file(self):
filedemo = tempfile.mkstemp()[1]
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