Commit 319f32e4 by Paul Durivage

Move check down for access to

parent 07267659
......@@ -56,11 +56,6 @@ If (-not $
Fail-Json $result "missing required arguments: name"
If (-not $params.password.GetType)
Fail-Json $result "missing required arguments: password"
If ($params.state) {
$state = $params.state.ToString().ToLower()
If (($state -ne 'present') -and ($state -ne 'absent')) {
......@@ -71,6 +66,11 @@ Elseif (!$params.state) {
$state = "present"
If ((-not $params.password.GetType) -and ($state -eq 'present'))
Fail-Json $result "missing required arguments: password"
$username = Get-Attr $params "name"
$password = Get-Attr $params "password"
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