Commit 308bf800 by Toshio Kuratomi

Cleanups to synchronize including:

* Better comments
* Reorganize code so related settings are close to each other
* Add ::1 to the "localhost" patterns we look for
* Make the dest_port parameter override the ansible_ssh_port setting
* Fix dest_port (wasn't being set)
* more complete detection of delegate_to
* Fix set_remote_user (wasn't being looked for in parameters)
* Instead of removing mode here, have the ansible module accept it
  (better documents the parameters doing it htat way)
parent 37e38924
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Major Changes:
* big_ip modules now support turning off ssl certificate validation (use only for self signed)
* template code now retains types for bools and numbers instead of turning them into strings.
If you need the old behaviour, quote the value and it will get passed around as a string
* Consiidated code from modules using urllib2 to normalize features, TLS and SNI support
* Consolidated code from modules using urllib2 to normalize features, TLS and SNI support
Deprecated Modules (new ones in parens):
* ec2_ami_search (ec2_ami_find)
......@@ -150,6 +150,8 @@ New Inventory scripts:
Other Notable Changes:
* synchronize module's dest_port parameter now takes precedence over the ansible_ssh_port inventory setting
## 1.9.2 "Dancing In the Street" - Jun 26, 2015
* Security fixes to check that hostnames match certificates with https urls (CVE-2015-3908)
......@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import sys
import os.path
from ansible.plugins.action import ActionBase
......@@ -77,7 +76,7 @@ class ActionModule(ActionBase):
if key.startswith("ansible_") and key.endswith("_interpreter"):
del task_vars[key]
# Add the definition from localhost
# Add the definitions from localhost
localhost = task_vars['hostvars']['localhost']
if 'ansible_syslog_facility' in localhost:
task_vars['ansible_syslog_facility'] = localhost['ansible_syslog_facility']
......@@ -89,7 +88,10 @@ class ActionModule(ActionBase):
''' generates params and passes them on to the rsync module '''
original_transport = task_vars.get('ansible_connection') or self._play_context.connection
transport_overridden = False
remote_transport = False
if original_transport != 'local':
remote_transport = True
delegate_to = self._play_context.delegate_to
except (AttributeError, KeyError):
......@@ -100,74 +102,65 @@ class ActionModule(ActionBase):
# Parameter name needed by the ansible module
self._task.args['_local_rsync_path'] = task_vars.get('ansible_rsync_path') or 'rsync'
# from the perspective of the rsync call the delegate is the localhost
# rsync thinks that one end of the connection is localhost and the
# other is the host we're running the task for (Note: We use
# ansible's delegate_to mechanism to determine which host rsync is
# running on so localhost could be a non-controller machine if
# delegate_to is used)
src_host = ''
dest_host = task_vars.get('ansible_ssh_host') or task_vars.get('inventory_hostname')
### FIXME: do we still need to explicitly template ansible_ssh_host here in v2?
dest_is_local = dest_host in ['', 'localhost']
dest_is_local = dest_host in ('', 'localhost', '::1')
dest_port = task_vars.get('ansible_ssh_port') or self._task.args.get('dest_port') or 22
if self._task.args.get('dest_port', None) is None:
inv_port = task_vars.get('ansible_ssh_port', None) or constants.DEFAULT_REMOTE_PORT
if inv_port is not None:
self._task.args['dest_port'] = inv_port
# Set use_delegate if we are going to run rsync on a delegated host
# instead of localhost
use_delegate = False
if dest_host == delegate_to:
# edge case: explicit delegate and dest_host are the same
# so we run rsync on the remote machine targetting its localhost
# (itself)
dest_host = ''
use_delegate = True
if 'hostvars' in task_vars:
if delegate_to in task_vars['hostvars'] and original_transport != 'local':
# use a delegate host instead of localhost
use_delegate = True
process_args = False
if dest_host != src_host and original_transport != 'local':
# interpret and task_vars remote host info into src or dest
process_args = True
if self._task.args.get('mode', 'push') == 'pull':
(dest_host, src_host) = (src_host, dest_host)
elif delegate_to is not None and remote_transport:
# If we're delegating to a remote host then we need to use the
# delegate_to settings
use_delegate = True
# Delegate to localhost as the source of the rsync unless we've been
# told (via delegate_to) that a different host is the source of the
# rsync
transport_overridden = False
if not use_delegate and original_transport != 'local':
if not use_delegate and remote_transport:
# Create a connection to localhost to run rsync on
new_stdin = self._connection._new_stdin
new_connection = connection_loader.get('local', self._play_context, new_stdin)
self._connection = new_connection
transport_overridden = True
### FIXME: We think that this was here for v1 because the local
# connection didn't support sudo. In v2 it does so we think it's
# safe to remove this now.
# Also disable sudo
#self._play_context.become = False
process_args = False
if dest_host != src_host and remote_transport:
# We're not copying two filesystem trees on the same host so we
# need to correctly format the paths for rsync (like
# user@host:path/to/tree
process_args = True
if self._task.args.get('mode', 'push') == 'pull':
(dest_host, src_host) = (src_host, dest_host)
src = self._task.args.get('src', None)
src = self._task.args.get('src', None)
dest = self._task.args.get('dest', None)
if process_args or use_delegate:
user = None
if boolean(task_vars.get('set_remote_user', 'yes')):
if use_delegate:
user = task_vars['hostvars'][delegate_to].get('ansible_ssh_user')
if not use_delegate or not user:
user = task_vars.get('ansible_ssh_user') or self._play_context.remote_user
# Private key handling
if use_delegate:
private_key = task_vars.get('ansible_ssh_private_key_file') or self._play_context.private_key_file
......@@ -177,27 +170,34 @@ class ActionModule(ActionBase):
private_key = os.path.expanduser(private_key)
self._task.args['private_key'] = private_key
# Src and dest rsync "path" handling
# Determine if we need a user@
user = None
if boolean(self._task.args.get('set_remote_user', 'yes')):
if use_delegate:
if 'hostvars' in task_vars and delegate_to in task_vars['hostvars']:
user = task_vars['hostvars'][delegate_to].get('ansible_ssh_user', None)
if not use_delegate or not user:
user = task_vars.get('ansible_ssh_user') or self._play_context.remote_user
# use the mode to define src and dest's url
if self._task.args.get('mode', 'push') == 'pull':
# src is a remote path: <user>@<host>, dest is a local path
src = self._process_remote(src_host, src, user)
src = self._process_remote(src_host, src, user)
dest = self._process_origin(dest_host, dest, user)
# src is a local path, dest is a remote path: <user>@<host>
src = self._process_origin(src_host, src, user)
src = self._process_origin(src_host, src, user)
dest = self._process_remote(dest_host, dest, user)
self._task.args['src'] = src
self._task.args['dest'] = dest
# Remove mode as it is handled purely in this action module
if 'mode' in self._task.args:
del self._task.args['mode']
# Allow custom rsync path argument.
# Allow custom rsync path argument
rsync_path = self._task.args.get('rsync_path', None)
# If no rsync_path is set, sudo was originally set, and dest is remote then add 'sudo rsync' argument.
# If no rsync_path is set, sudo was originally set, and dest is remote then add 'sudo rsync' argument
if not rsync_path and transport_overridden and self._play_context.become and self._play_context.become_method == 'sudo' and not dest_is_local:
rsync_path = 'sudo rsync'
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