Commit 2ad4d77c by Yap Sok Ann

git: Remove unnecessary return code checking.

The functions either return rc=0 or call fail_json themselves.
parent 9af05f4d
......@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ def main():
if not os.path.exists(gitconfig):
if module.check_mode:
(rc, out, err) = clone(git_path, module, repo, dest, remote, depth, version)
clone(git_path, module, repo, dest, remote, depth, version)
elif not update:
# Just return having found a repo already in the dest path
# this does no checking that the repo is the actual repo
......@@ -351,9 +351,7 @@ def main():
# if force, do a reset
if local_mods and module.check_mode:
module.exit_json(changed=True, msg='Local modifications exist')
(rc, out, err) = reset(git_path, module, dest, force)
if rc != 0:
reset(git_path, module, dest, force)
# exit if already at desired sha version
if before == version:
......@@ -375,15 +373,11 @@ def main():
changed = False
module.exit_json(changed=changed, before=before, after=remote_head)
(rc, out, err) = fetch(git_path, module, repo, dest, version, remote)
if rc != 0:
fetch(git_path, module, repo, dest, version, remote)
# switch to version specified regardless of whether
# we cloned or pulled
(rc, out, err) = switch_version(git_path, module, dest, remote, version)
if rc != 0:
switch_version(git_path, module, dest, remote, version)
# determine if we changed anything
after = get_version(git_path, dest)
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