Commit 264d8373 by Lorin Hochstein

AWS elastic IP: Support for allocating IPs

This commit adds support for allocating new elastic IPs with the
ec2_eip module.
parent f9cc0f2e
......@@ -9,11 +9,12 @@ options:
- The EC2 instance id
required: true
required: false
- The elastic IP address to associate with the instance
required: true
- The elastic IP address to associate with the instance.
- If absent, allocate a new address
required: false
- If present, associate the IP with the instance.
......@@ -47,12 +48,34 @@ options:
aliases: [ ec2_region ]
requirements: [ "boto" ]
author: Lorin Hochstein <>
- This module will return C(public_ip) on success, which will contain the
public IP address associated with the instance.
- ec2_eip: instance_id=i-1212f003 ip=
- name: associate an elastic IP with an instance
ec2_eip: instance_id=i-1212f003 ip=
- name: disassociate an elastic IP from an instance
ec2_eip: instance_id=i-1212f003 ip= state=absent
- name: allocate a new elastic IP and associate it with an instance
ec2_eip: instance_id=i-1212f003
- name: allocate a new elastic IP without associating it to anything
register: eip
- name: output the IP
debug: msg="Allocated IP is {{ eip.public_ip }}"
- name: provision new instances with ec2
ec2: keypair=mykey instance_type=c1.medium image=emi-40603AD1 wait=yes group=webserver count=3
register: ec2
- name: associate new elastic IPs with each of the instances
ec2_eip: "instance_id={{ item }}"
with_items: ec2.instance_ids
- ec2_eip: instance_id=i-1212f003 ip= state=absent
......@@ -96,7 +119,7 @@ def connect(ec2_url, ec2_secret_key, ec2_access_key, region):
def associate_ip_and_instance(ec2, public_ip, instance_id, module):
if ip_is_associated_with_instance(ec2, public_ip, instance_id):
module.exit_json(changed=False, public_ip=public_ip)
# If we're in check mode, nothing else to do
if module.check_mode:
......@@ -104,14 +127,14 @@ def associate_ip_and_instance(ec2, public_ip, instance_id, module):
res = ec2.associate_address(instance_id, public_ip)
if res:
module.exit_json(changed=True, public_ip=public_ip)
module.fail_json(msg="association failed")
def disassociate_ip_and_instance(ec2, public_ip, instance_id, module):
if not ip_is_associated_with_instance(ec2, public_ip, instance_id):
module.exit_json(changed=False, public_ip=public_ip)
# If we're in check mode, nothing else to do
if module.check_mode:
......@@ -132,11 +155,22 @@ def ip_is_associated_with_instance(ec2, public_ip, instance_id):
return False
def allocate_new_ip(ec2, module):
""" Allocate a new elastic IP and return the IP address"""
# If we're in check mode, nothing else to do
if module.check_mode:
ec2_address = ec2.allocate_address()
return ec2_address.public_ip
def main():
module = AnsibleModule(
argument_spec = dict(
instance_id = dict(required=True),
public_ip = dict(required=True, aliases= ['ip'] ),
instance_id = dict(required=False),
public_ip = dict(required=False, aliases= ['ip'] ),
state = dict(required=False, default='present',
choices=['present', 'absent']),
ec2_url = dict(required=False, aliases=['EC2_URL']),
......@@ -160,6 +194,10 @@ def main():
state = module.params.get('state')
if state == 'present':
if public_ip is None:
public_ip = allocate_new_ip(ec2, module)
if instance_id is None:
module.exit_json(changed=True, public_ip=public_ip)
associate_ip_and_instance(ec2, public_ip, instance_id, module)
disassociate_ip_and_instance(ec2, public_ip, instance_id, module)
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