Commit 2611246b by Monty Taylor

Cleanup in nova after a failed floating ip

There is a potential leak of resources if there is somehow a failure
adding a floating ip to a server. Clean up after ourselves.
parent 6045923c
......@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ def _add_floating_ip_no_pool(module, nova, server, floating_ip_obj):
# if there is a list of IP addresses, make that the list
if module.params['floating_ip'].has_key('ips'):
usable_floating_ips = module.params['floating_ip']['ips']
usable_floating_ips = [dict(ip=f, created=False) for f in module.params['floating_ip']['ips']]
# get the list of all floating IPs. Mileage may
# vary according to Nova Compute configuration
......@@ -263,20 +263,23 @@ def _add_floating_ip_no_pool(module, nova, server, floating_ip_obj):
for f_ip in floating_ip_obj.list():
# if not reserved and the correct pool, add
if f_ip.instance_id is None:
usable_floating_ips.append(dict(ip=f_ip.ip, created=False))
if not usable_floating_ips:
new_ip = nova.floating_ips.create()
except Exception, e:
module.fail_json(msg = "Unable to create floating ip")
usable_floating_ips.append(dict(ip=new_ip.ip, created=True))
# finally, add ip(s) to instance
for ip in usable_floating_ips:
except Exception, e:
# Clean up - we auto-created this ip, and it's not attached
# to the server, so the cloud will not know what to do with it
module.fail_json(msg = "Error attaching IP %s to instance %s: %s " % (ip,, e.message))
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