Commit 23ae68de by Michael DeHaan

add docs on wait_for

parent 56649eb7
......@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ Let's see what's available in the Ansible module library, out of the box:
.. include:: modules/supervisorctl.rst
.. include:: modules/template.rst
.. include:: modules/user.rst
.. include:: modules/wait_for.rst
.. include:: modules/virt.rst
.. include:: modules/yum.rst
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ For other cases, see the copy or template modules.
| | | | line at the end of the file. |
Example action from Ansible :doc:`playbooks`::
lineinfile name=/etc/selinux/config regexp=^SELINUX= line=SELINUX=disabled
lineinfile name=/etc/sudoers regexp="^#includedir" line="#includedir /etc/sudoers.d"
.. _wait_for:
.. versionadded:: 0.7
Waits for a given port to become accessible (or inaccessible) on a local or remote server.
This is useful for when services are not immediately available after their init scripts return -- which is true of certain
Java application servers. It is also useful when starting guests with the virt module and
needing to pause until they are ready.
| parameter | required | default | comments |
| host | no | | hostname or IP to wait for |
| timeout | no | 300 | maximum number of seconds to wait |
| delay | no | 0 | number of seconds to wait before starting to poll |
| port | yes | | port to poll for openness or closedness |
| state | no | started | either 'started', or 'stopped' depending on whether the module should poll |
| | | | for the port being open or closed. |
Example from Ansible :doc:`playbooks`::
wait_for port=8080 delay=10
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