Commit 1ff83b43 by Brian Coca

added error

parent a346507b
......@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ class Display:
# list of all deprecation messages to prevent duplicate display
self._deprecations = {}
self._warns = {}
self._errors = {}
def display(self, msg, color=None, stderr=False, screen_only=False, log_only=False):
msg2 = msg
......@@ -130,3 +131,12 @@ class Display:
star_len = 3
stars = "*" * star_len
self.display("\n%s %s" % (msg, stars), color=color)
def error(self, msg):
new_msg = "\n[ERROR]: %s" % msg
wrapped = textwrap.wrap(new_msg, 79)
new_msg = "\n".join(wrapped) + "\n"
if new_msg not in self._errors:
self.display(new_msg, color='bright red', stderr=True)
self._errors[new_msg] = 1
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