Commit 176ae06c by Rory Finnegan

Updated the vault/ and files to support 2/3.

Existing tests pass under both versions, but there could still be some issues
since, it involves a lot of 2/3 bytes-unicode conversions.
parent 28443cf0
......@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ from binascii import hexlify
from nose.plugins.skip import SkipTest
from ansible.compat.tests import unittest
from ansible.utils.unicode import to_bytes, to_unicode
from ansible import errors
from ansible.parsing.vault import VaultLib
......@@ -70,8 +71,8 @@ class TestVaultLib(unittest.TestCase):
def test_is_encrypted(self):
v = VaultLib(None)
assert not v.is_encrypted("foobar"), "encryption check on plaintext failed"
data = "$ANSIBLE_VAULT;9.9;TEST\n%s" % hexlify(six.b("ansible"))
assert not v.is_encrypted(u"foobar"), "encryption check on plaintext failed"
data = u"$ANSIBLE_VAULT;9.9;TEST\n%s" % hexlify(b"ansible")
assert v.is_encrypted(data), "encryption check on headered text failed"
def test_add_header(self):
......@@ -79,9 +80,9 @@ class TestVaultLib(unittest.TestCase):
v.cipher_name = "TEST"
sensitive_data = "ansible"
data = v._add_header(sensitive_data)
lines = data.split('\n')
lines = data.split(b'\n')
assert len(lines) > 1, "failed to properly add header"
header = lines[0]
header = to_unicode(lines[0])
assert header.endswith(';TEST'), "header does end with cipher name"
header_parts = header.split(';')
assert len(header_parts) == 3, "header has the wrong number of parts"
......@@ -91,10 +92,10 @@ class TestVaultLib(unittest.TestCase):
def test_split_header(self):
v = VaultLib('ansible')
data = "$ANSIBLE_VAULT;9.9;TEST\nansible"
data = b"$ANSIBLE_VAULT;9.9;TEST\nansible"
rdata = v._split_header(data)
lines = rdata.split('\n')
assert lines[0] == "ansible"
lines = rdata.split(b'\n')
assert lines[0] == b"ansible"
assert v.cipher_name == 'TEST', "cipher name was not set"
assert v.version == "9.9"
......@@ -102,7 +103,7 @@ class TestVaultLib(unittest.TestCase):
if not HAS_AES or not HAS_COUNTER or not HAS_PBKDF2:
raise SkipTest
v = VaultLib('ansible')
v.cipher_name = 'AES'
v.cipher_name = u'AES'
enc_data = v.encrypt("foobar")
dec_data = v.decrypt(enc_data)
assert enc_data != "foobar", "encryption failed"
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