Commit 1679d836 by jctanner

Merge pull request #5131 from janeznemanic/devel

Fix for issue #4730 - stacktrace when deferenencing a non-existent group
parents f55270e7 8752ae69
......@@ -532,13 +532,14 @@ def template_from_string(basedir, data, vars, fail_on_undefined=False):
return lookup(*args, basedir=basedir, **kwargs)
t.globals['lookup'] = my_lookup
jvars =_jinja2_vars(basedir, vars, t.globals, fail_on_undefined)
new_context = t.new_context(jvars, shared=True)
rf = t.root_render_func(new_context)
res = jinja2.utils.concat(rf)
res = jinja2.utils.concat(rf)
except TypeError, te:
if 'StrictUndefined' in str(te):
raise errors.AnsibleUndefinedVariable("unable to look up a name or access an attribute in template string")
return res
except (jinja2.exceptions.UndefinedError, errors.AnsibleUndefinedVariable):
if fail_on_undefined:
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