Commit 1674b474 by Paul Logston

Make ec2 inventory plugin Python 3 compatible

parent 946c37fd
......@@ -122,7 +122,13 @@ import boto
from boto import ec2
from boto import rds
from boto import route53
import ConfigParser
import six
import ConfigParser as configparser
import configparser
from collections import defaultdict
......@@ -166,7 +172,7 @@ class Ec2Inventory(object):
data_to_print = self.json_format_dict(self.inventory, True)
print data_to_print
def is_cache_valid(self):
......@@ -184,8 +190,10 @@ class Ec2Inventory(object):
def read_settings(self):
''' Reads the settings from the ec2.ini file '''
config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
if six.PY2:
config = configparser.SafeConfigParser()
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
ec2_default_ini_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'ec2.ini')
ec2_ini_path = os.environ.get('EC2_INI_PATH', ec2_default_ini_path)
......@@ -282,7 +290,7 @@ class Ec2Inventory(object):
self.pattern_include = re.compile(pattern_include)
self.pattern_include = None
except ConfigParser.NoOptionError, e:
except configparser.NoOptionError as e:
self.pattern_include = None
# Do we need to exclude hosts that match a pattern?
......@@ -292,7 +300,7 @@ class Ec2Inventory(object):
self.pattern_exclude = re.compile(pattern_exclude)
self.pattern_exclude = None
except ConfigParser.NoOptionError, e:
except configparser.NoOptionError as e:
self.pattern_exclude = None
# Instance filters (see boto and EC2 API docs). Ignore invalid filters.
......@@ -354,7 +362,7 @@ class Ec2Inventory(object):
conn = self.connect(region)
reservations = []
if self.ec2_instance_filters:
for filter_key, filter_values in self.ec2_instance_filters.iteritems():
for filter_key, filter_values in self.ec2_instance_filters.items():
reservations.extend(conn.get_all_instances(filters = { filter_key : filter_values }))
reservations = conn.get_all_instances()
......@@ -363,7 +371,7 @@ class Ec2Inventory(object):
for instance in reservation.instances:
self.add_instance(instance, region)
except boto.exception.BotoServerError, e:
except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e:
if e.error_code == 'AuthFailure':
error = self.get_auth_error_message()
......@@ -381,7 +389,7 @@ class Ec2Inventory(object):
instances = conn.get_all_dbinstances()
for instance in instances:
self.add_rds_instance(instance, region)
except boto.exception.BotoServerError, e:
except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e:
error = e.reason
if e.error_code == 'AuthFailure':
......@@ -515,7 +523,7 @@ class Ec2Inventory(object):
# Inventory: Group by tag keys
if self.group_by_tag_keys:
for k, v in instance.tags.iteritems():
for k, v in instance.tags.items():
key = self.to_safe("tag_" + k + "=" + v)
self.push(self.inventory, key, dest)
if self.nested_groups:
......@@ -690,7 +698,9 @@ class Ec2Inventory(object):
instance_vars['ec2_previous_state_code'] = instance.previous_state_code
elif type(value) in [int, bool]:
instance_vars[key] = value
elif type(value) in [str, unicode]:
elif six.PY2 and type(value) in [str, unicode]:
instance_vars[key] = value.strip()
elif six.PY3 and type(value) in [str]:
instance_vars[key] = value.strip()
elif type(value) == type(None):
instance_vars[key] = ''
......@@ -699,7 +709,7 @@ class Ec2Inventory(object):
elif key == 'ec2__placement':
instance_vars['ec2_placement'] =
elif key == 'ec2_tags':
for k, v in value.iteritems():
for k, v in value.items():
key = self.to_safe('ec2_tag_' + k)
instance_vars[key] = v
elif key == 'ec2_groups':
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