Commit 102b22be by Michael DeHaan

Make the logic behind vars_files smarter, so host specific vars go into the…

Make the logic behind vars_files smarter, so host specific vars go into the setup cache, but other variables
are usable top level.  This allows vars_files data to be used, most of the time, just fine in with_items,
(error handling pending) but is mostly a memory and efficiency thing.
parent 15b2b3a0
......@@ -160,6 +160,12 @@ class Play(object):
def update_vars_files(self, hosts):
''' calculate vars_files, which requires that setup runs first so ansible facts can be mixed in '''
# first process things that are not really host specific
# and we can just keep one reference to them
# now loop through all the hosts...
for h in hosts:
......@@ -179,12 +185,20 @@ class Play(object):
# *************************************************
def _has_vars_in(self, msg):
return ((msg.find("$") != -1) or (msg.find("{{") != -1))
# *************************************************
def _update_vars_files_for_host(self, host):
if not host in self.playbook.SETUP_CACHE:
if (host is not None) and (not host in self.playbook.SETUP_CACHE):
# no need to process failed hosts or hosts not in this play
if type(self.vars_files) != list:
self.vars_files = [ self.vars_files ]
for filename in self.vars_files:
if type(filename) == list:
......@@ -193,31 +207,49 @@ class Play(object):
found = False
sequence = []
for real_filename in filename:
filename2 = utils.template(real_filename, self.playbook.SETUP_CACHE[host])
filename2 = utils.template(filename2, self.vars)
filename2 = utils.path_dwim(self.playbook.basedir, filename2)
if os.path.exists(filename2):
filename2 = utils.template(real_filename, self.vars)
filename3 = filename2
if host is not None:
filename3 = utils.template(filename2, self.playbook.SETUP_CACHE[host])
filename4 = utils.path_dwim(self.playbook.basedir, filename3)
if os.path.exists(filename4):
found = True
data = utils.parse_yaml_from_file(filename2)
self.playbook.callbacks.on_import_for_host(host, filename2)
self.playbook.callbacks.on_not_import_for_host(host, filename2)
data = utils.parse_yaml_from_file(filename4)
if host is not None:
if self._has_vars_in(filename2) and not self._has_vars_in(filename3):
# this filename has variables in it that were fact specific
# so it needs to be loaded into the per host SETUP_CACHE
self.playbook.callbacks.on_import_for_host(host, filename4)
elif not self._has_vars_in(filename4):
# found a non-host specific variable, load into vars and NOT
# the setup cache
elif host is not None:
self.playbook.callbacks.on_not_import_for_host(host, filename4)
if not found:
raise errors.AnsibleError(
"%s: FATAL, no files matched for vars_files import sequence: %s" % (host, sequence)
filename2 = utils.template(filename, self.playbook.SETUP_CACHE[host])
filename2 = utils.template(filename2, self.vars)
fpath = utils.path_dwim(self.playbook.basedir, filename2)
new_vars = utils.parse_yaml_from_file(fpath)
# just one filename supplied, load it!
filename2 = utils.template(filename, self.vars)
filename3 = filename2
if host is not None:
filename3 = utils.template(filename2, self.playbook.SETUP_CACHE[host])
filename4 = utils.path_dwim(self.playbook.basedir, filename3)
new_vars = utils.parse_yaml_from_file(filename4)
if new_vars:
if type(new_vars) != dict:
raise errors.AnsibleError("files specified in vars_files must be a YAML dictionary: %s" % fpath)
raise errors.AnsibleError("files specified in vars_files must be a YAML dictionary: %s" % filename4)
if host is not None and self._has_vars_in(filename2) and not self._has_vars_in(filename3):
# running a host specific pass and has host specific variables
# load into setup cache
elif host is None:
# running a non-host specific pass and we can update the global vars instead
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