Commit 0c2c37a4 by Jesse Keating

Avoid range selection on empty groups

This prevents a traceback when the group is empty.
Fixes #6258
parent 07495ed2
......@@ -227,6 +227,12 @@ class Inventory(object):
given a pattern like foo[0:5], where foo matches hosts, return the first 6 hosts
# If there are no hosts to select from, just return the
# empty set. This prevents trying to do selections on an empty set.
# issue#6258
if not hosts:
return hosts
(loose_pattern, limits) = self._enumeration_info(pat)
if not limits:
return hosts
......@@ -212,6 +212,11 @@ class TestInventory(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(sorted(inventory.list_hosts()), sorted(['zeus','hera','thor']))
def test_subet_range_empty_group(self):
inventory = self.simple_inventory()
self.assertEqual(sorted(inventory.list_hosts()), sorted([]))
def test_subset_filename(self):
inventory = self.simple_inventory()
inventory.subset('@' + os.path.join(self.test_dir, 'restrict_pattern'))
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