Commit 0bb41018 by Toshio Kuratomi

Fix doc formatting

parent 73804b37
......@@ -473,14 +473,14 @@ Module checklist
* Avoid catchall exceptions, they are not very useful unless the underlying API gives very good error messages pertaining the attempted action.
* The module must not use sys.exit() --> use fail_json() from the module object
* Import custom packages in try/except and handled with fail_json() in main() e.g.::
* The return structure should be consistent, even if NA/None are used for keys normally returned under other options.
import foo
import foo
* The return structure should be consistent, even if NA/None are used for keys normally returned under other options.
* Are module actions idempotent? If not document in the descriptions or the notes
* Import module snippets `from ansible.module_utils.basic import *` at the bottom, conserves line numbers for debugging.
* Try to normalize parameters with other modules, you can have aliases for when user is more familiar with underlying API name for the option
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