Commit 0b94d3d3 by Michael DeHaan

replace 'foo' with a more meaningful example + 1 other typo

parent 37adadcc
......@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ change, but only if the file changes::
action: template src=template.j2 dest=/etc/foo.conf
- restart memcached
- restart foo
- restart apache
Next up, we'll show what a handler looks like.
......@@ -190,10 +190,10 @@ of the tasks complete in a particular play.
Here's an example handlers section::
- name: restart apache
action: service name=apache state=restarted
- name: restart memcached
action: service name=memcached state=restarted
- name: restart apache
action: service name=apache state=restarted
Handlers are best used to restart services and trigger reboots. You probably
won't need them for much else.
......@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ Alternatively, if you do not need to wait on the task to complete, you may
- hosts: all
user: root
- name: simulate long running op (15 sec), wait for up to 45, poll every 5
- name: simulate long running op, allow to run for 45, fire and forget
action: command /bin/sleep 15
async: 45
poll: 0
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