Commit 0adf0956 by James Tanner

Add a timeout to the synchronize module to prevent infinite hangs while waiting…

Add a timeout to the synchronize module to prevent infinite hangs while waiting on passwords for misconfigured users
parent 9972265f
......@@ -150,6 +150,7 @@ def main():
times = dict(type='bool'),
owner = dict(type='bool'),
group = dict(type='bool'),
rsync_timeout = dict(type='int', default=10)
supports_check_mode = True
......@@ -160,6 +161,7 @@ def main():
private_key = module.params['private_key']
rsync_path = module.params['rsync_path']
rsync = module.params.get('local_rsync_path', 'rsync')
rsync_timeout = module.params.get('rsync_timeout', 'rsync_timeout')
archive = module.params['archive']
dirs = module.params['dirs']
# the default of these params depends on the value of archive
......@@ -170,7 +172,7 @@ def main():
owner = module.params['owner']
group = module.params['group']
cmd = '%s --delay-updates --compress' % rsync
cmd = '%s --delay-updates --compress --timeout=%s' % (rsync, rsync_timeout)
if module.check_mode:
cmd = cmd + ' --dry-run'
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