TestSynchronize.py 6.7 KB
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import unittest
import getpass
import os
import shutil
import time
import tempfile
from nose.plugins.skip import SkipTest

from ansible.runner.action_plugins.synchronize import ActionModule as Synchronize

class FakeRunner(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.connection = None
        self.transport = None
        self.basedir = None
        self.sudo = None
        self.remote_user = None
        self.private_key_file = None
        self.check = False

22 23 24
    def _execute_module(self, conn, tmp, module_name, args,
        async_jid=None, async_module=None, async_limit=None, inject=None, 
        persist_files=False, complex_args=None, delete_remote_tmp=True):
25 26 27 28
        self.executed_conn = conn
        self.executed_tmp = tmp
        self.executed_module_name = module_name
        self.executed_args = args
29 30 31
        self.executed_async_jid = async_jid
        self.executed_async_module = async_module
        self.executed_async_limit = async_limit
        self.executed_inject = inject
33 34 35
        self.executed_persist_files = persist_files
        self.executed_complex_args = complex_args
        self.executed_delete_remote_tmp = delete_remote_tmp

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    def noop_on_check(self, inject):
        return self.check

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class FakeConn(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.host = None
        self.delegate = None

class TestSynchronize(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_synchronize_action_basic(self):

        """ verify the synchronize action plugin sets 
            the delegate to and remote path to user@host:/path """

        runner = FakeRunner()
        runner.remote_user = "root"
        runner.transport = "ssh"
        conn = FakeConn()
        inject = {
                    'inventory_hostname': "el6.lab.net",
                    'inventory_hostname_short': "el6",
                    'ansible_connection': None,
                    'ansible_ssh_user': 'root',
                    'delegate_to': None,
                    'playbook_dir': '.',

        x = Synchronize(runner)
        x.setup("synchronize", inject)
        x.run(conn, "/tmp", "synchronize", "src=/tmp/foo dest=/tmp/bar", inject)

        assert runner.executed_inject['delegate_to'] == "", "was not delegated to"
        assert runner.executed_complex_args == {"dest":"root@el6.lab.net:/tmp/bar", "src":"/tmp/foo"}, "wrong args used"
72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96
        assert runner.sudo == None, "sudo was not reset to None" 

    def test_synchronize_action_sudo(self):

        """ verify the synchronize action plugin unsets and then sets sudo """ 

        runner = FakeRunner()
        runner.sudo = True
        runner.remote_user = "root"
        runner.transport = "ssh"
        conn = FakeConn()
        inject = {
                    'inventory_hostname': "el6.lab.net",
                    'inventory_hostname_short': "el6",
                    'ansible_connection': None,
                    'ansible_ssh_user': 'root',
                    'delegate_to': None,
                    'playbook_dir': '.',

        x = Synchronize(runner)
        x.setup("synchronize", inject)
        x.run(conn, "/tmp", "synchronize", "src=/tmp/foo dest=/tmp/bar", inject)

        assert runner.executed_inject['delegate_to'] == "", "was not delegated to"
97 98 99
        assert runner.executed_complex_args == {'dest':'root@el6.lab.net:/tmp/bar',
                                                'rsync_path':'"sudo rsync"'}, "wrong args used"
100 101
        assert runner.sudo == True, "sudo was not reset to True" 

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    def test_synchronize_action_local(self):

        """ verify the synchronize action plugin sets 
            the delegate to and does not alter the dest """

        runner = FakeRunner()
        runner.remote_user = "jtanner"
        runner.transport = "paramiko"
        conn = FakeConn()
        conn.host = ""
        conn.delegate = "thishost"
        inject = {
                    'inventory_hostname': "thishost",
                    'ansible_ssh_host': '',
                    'ansible_connection': 'local',
                    'delegate_to': None,
                    'playbook_dir': '.',

        x = Synchronize(runner)
        x.setup("synchronize", inject)
        x.run(conn, "/tmp", "synchronize", "src=/tmp/foo dest=/tmp/bar", inject)

        assert runner.transport == "paramiko", "runner transport was changed"
        assert runner.remote_user == "jtanner", "runner remote_user was changed"
        assert runner.executed_inject['delegate_to'] == "", "was not delegated to"
129 130 131
        assert "dest_port" not in runner.executed_complex_args, "dest_port should not have been set"
        assert runner.executed_complex_args.get("src") == "/tmp/foo", "source was set incorrectly"
        assert runner.executed_complex_args.get("dest") == "/tmp/bar", "dest was set incorrectly"
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    def test_synchronize_action_vagrant(self):

        """ Verify the action plugin accomodates the common 
            scenarios for vagrant boxes. """

        runner = FakeRunner()
        runner.remote_user = "jtanner"
        runner.transport = "ssh"
        conn = FakeConn()
        conn.host = ""
        conn.delegate = "thishost"
        inject = {
                    'inventory_hostname': "thishost",
                    'ansible_ssh_user': 'vagrant',
                    'ansible_ssh_host': '',
                    'ansible_ssh_port': '2222',
                    'delegate_to': None,
                    'playbook_dir': '.',
                    'hostvars': {
                        'thishost': {
                            'inventory_hostname': 'thishost',
                            'ansible_ssh_port': '2222',
                            'ansible_ssh_host': '',
                            'ansible_ssh_user': 'vagrant'

        x = Synchronize(runner)
        x.setup("synchronize", inject)
        x.run(conn, "/tmp", "synchronize", "src=/tmp/foo dest=/tmp/bar", inject)

        assert runner.transport == "ssh", "runner transport was changed"
        assert runner.remote_user == "jtanner", "runner remote_user was changed"
        assert runner.executed_inject['delegate_to'] == "", "was not delegated to"
        assert runner.executed_inject['ansible_ssh_user'] == "vagrant", "runner user was changed"
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        assert runner.executed_complex_args.get("dest_port") == "2222", "remote port was not set to 2222"
        assert runner.executed_complex_args.get("src") == "/tmp/foo", "source was set incorrectly"
        assert runner.executed_complex_args.get("dest") == "vagrant@", "dest was set incorrectly"