import os import sys import datetime import import hashlib import subprocess """ Let's do some quick and dirty error handling & logging """ from control.control_env import * from control.veda_encode import VedaEncode from VEDA.utils import get_config class EmailAlert(): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.auth_dict = get_config() self.message = kwargs.get('message', None) self.subject = kwargs.get('subject', None) def email(self): email_subject = '[ VEDA ALERTING ]' email_subject += ' : ' + self.subject email_body = 'There has been a fault:' email_body += self.message try: conn ='us-east-1') except boto.exception.NoAuthHandlerFound: return conn.send_email( self.auth_dict['veda_noreply_email'], email_subject, email_body, [self.auth_dict['admin_email']] ) class ErrorObject(object): """ Unspecified errors with a message """ @staticmethod def print_error(message): decorator = "***************E*R*R*O*R*******************" outgoing = '\n%s \n\n%s \n\n%s\n' % ( NODE_COLORS_BLUE + decorator + NODE_COLORS_END, message, NODE_COLORS_BLUE + decorator + NODE_COLORS_END, ) print outgoing class Output(object): """ Various reporting methods """ @staticmethod def _seconds_from_string(duration): if duration == 0 or duration is None: return 0 hours = float(duration.split(':')[0]) minutes = float(duration.split(':')[1]) seconds = float(duration.split(':')[2]) duration_seconds = (((hours * 60) + minutes) * 60) + seconds return duration_seconds @staticmethod def status_bar(process): """ This is a little gross, but it'll get us a status bar thingy """ fps = None duration = None while True: line = process.stdout.readline().strip() if line == '' and process.poll() is not None: break if fps is None or duration is None: if "Stream #" in line and " Video: " in line: fps = [s for s in line.split(',') if "fps" in s][0].strip(' fps') if "Duration: " in line: dur = line.split('Duration: ')[1].split(',')[0].strip() duration = Output()._seconds_from_string(duration=dur) else: if 'frame=' in line: cur_frame = line.split('frame=')[1].split('fps=')[0].strip() end_frame = float(duration) * float(fps.strip()) pctg = (float(cur_frame) / float(end_frame)) sys.stdout.write('\r') i = int(pctg * 20.0) sys.stdout.write("%s : [%-20s] %d%%" % ('Transcode', '=' * i, int(pctg * 100))) sys.stdout.flush() """ Just for politeness """ sys.stdout.write('\r') sys.stdout.write("%s : [%-20s] %d%%" % ('Transcode', '=' * 20, 100)) sys.stdout.flush() class Report(): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.auth_dict = get_config() self.status = kwargs.get('status', None) self.upload_serial = kwargs.get('upload_serial', None) self.youtube_id = kwargs.get('youtube_id', None) def upload_status(self): if self.upload_serial is None: return None if self.auth_dict is None: return None v1 = VedaUpload.objects.filter( video_serial=self.upload_serial ) if len(v1) == 0: return None if len(self.youtube_id) > 0: email_status = '' if 'Duplicate' in self.status or 'Corrupt' in self.status: if v1[0].final_report is True: return None else: email_status = 'There has been a failure for the following reason : ' email_status += self.status final_success = 'FAILED' self.youtube_id = '' VedaUpload.objects.filter( pk=v1[0].pk ).update( file_complete=False, final_report=True, file_valid=False ) elif 'Complete' in self.status: """ If completed, this will only go past once, as the URL will be added only once """ email_status = 'This file is complete.' final_success = 'SUCCESS' VedaUpload.objects.filter( pk=v1[0].pk ).update( file_complete=True, final_report=True, file_valid=True, youtube_id=self.youtube_id ) email_subject = 'VEDA / edX About Video Status Update : ' email_subject += final_success email_body = ( 'This is an auto generated message:\n\n' 'An edX partner uploaded a new about video:\n\n' 'STATUS : ' + email_status + '\n\n' ) if len(self.youtube_id) > 0: email_body += 'Youtube URL :' + self.youtube_id + '\n\n' email_body += ( 'Filename : ' + v1[0].upload_filename + '\n' 'Upload Date : ' + str(v1[0].upload_date) + '(UTC)\n' 'Course Title (optional) : ' + v1[0].client_information + '\n' 'edX Studio Course URL : ' + v1[0].edx_studio_url + '\n\n' 'Please do not reply to this email.\n\n <<EOM' ) try: conn ='us-east-1') except boto.exception.NoAuthHandlerFound: return conn.send_email( self.auth_dict['veda_noreply_email'], email_subject, email_body, [v1[0].status_email, self.auth_dict['admin_email']] ) class VideoProto(): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.s3_filename = kwargs.get('s3_filename', None) self.client_title = kwargs.get('client_title', None) self.file_extension = kwargs.get('file_extension', None) self.platform_course_url = kwargs.get('platform_course_url', None) self.abvid_serial = kwargs.get('abvid_serial', None) """ Determined Attrib """ self.valid = False self.filesize = 0 self.duration = 0 self.bitrate = kwargs.get('bitrate', '0') self.resolution = None self.veda_id = kwargs.get('veda_id', None) self.val_id = kwargs.get('val_id', None) class Metadata(): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.video_proto = kwargs.get('video_proto', None) self.video_object = kwargs.get( 'video_object', None ) self.node_work_directory = kwargs.get( 'node_work_directory', WORK_DIRECTORY ) self.full_filename = kwargs.get( 'full_filename', None ) self.freezing_bug = False self.val_status = None def _METADATA(self): """ use st filesize for filesize Use "ffprobe" for other metadata *** """ self.video_proto.filesize = os.stat(self.full_filename).st_size ff_command = ' '.join(( FFPROBE, "\'" + self.full_filename + "\'" )) p = subprocess.Popen(ff_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True) for line in iter(p.stdout.readline, b''): if "Duration: " in line: self.video_proto.duration = line.split(',')[0].split(' ')[-1] try: bitrate = line.split(',')[2].split(' :')[-1].strip() self.video_proto.bitrate = bitrate.replace('bitrate: ', '') except: pass elif "Stream #" in line: if " Video: " in line: vid_breakout = line.split(',') vid_reso_break = vid_breakout[2].strip().split(' ') for v in vid_reso_break: if "x" in v: self.video_proto.resolution = v.strip() if self.video_proto.resolution is None: self.video_proto.resolution = vid_breakout[3].strip() def _FAULT(self, video_object): if self.video_object is None: return [] """ Is there anything to do with this? """ if video_object.video_trans_status == 'Corrupt File': return [] if video_object.video_trans_status == 'Review Reject': return [] if video_object.video_trans_status == 'Review Hold': return [] if video_object.video_active is False: return [] """ Finally, determine encodes """ E = VedaEncode( course_object=video_object.inst_class, veda_id=video_object.edx_id ) encode_list = E.determine_encodes() if encode_list is not None: if 'mobile_high' in encode_list: encode_list.remove('mobile_high') if 'audio_mp3' in encode_list: encode_list.remove('audio_mp3') if 'review' in encode_list: encode_list.remove('review') if encode_list is None or len(encode_list) == 0: self.val_status = 'file_complete' """ File is complete! Check for data parity, and call done """ if video_object.video_trans_status != 'File Complete': Video.objects.filter( edx_id=video_object.edx_id ).update( video_trans_status='File Complete', video_trans_end=datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=utc) ) return [] """ get baseline // if there are == encodes and baseline, mark file corrupt -- just run the query again with no veda_id """ """ This overrides """ if self.freezing_bug is False and self.val_status != 'file_complete': self.val_status = 'transcode_queue' return encode_list E2 = VedaEncode( course_object=video_object.inst_class, ) E2.determine_encodes() if len(E2.encode_list) == len(encode_list) and len(encode_list) > 1: """ Mark File Corrupt, accounting for migrated URLs """ url_test = URL.objects.filter( videoID=Video.objects.filter( edx_id=video_object.edx_id ).latest() ) if len(url_test) == 0: Video.objects.filter( edx_id=video_object.edx_id ).update( video_trans_status='Corrupt File', video_trans_end=datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=utc) ) self.val_status = 'file_corrupt' return [] self.val_status = 'transcode_queue' return encode_list