Commit 96bfea79 by muhammad-ammar

video images cleanup

parent 5ea408a4
......@@ -286,6 +286,13 @@ class VideoImage(TimeStampedModel):
video_image, created = cls.objects.get_or_create(course_video=course_video)
if image_data:
# Delete the existing image only if this image is not used by anyone else. This is necessary because
# after a course re-run, a video in original course and the new course points to same image, So when
# we update an image in new course and delete the existing image. This will delete the image from
# original course as well, thus leaving video with having no image.
if not created and VideoImage.objects.filter(image=video_image.image).count() == 1:
with closing(image_data) as image_file:
file_name = '{uuid}{ext}'.format(uuid=uuid4().hex, ext=os.path.splitext(file_name)[1])
......@@ -1278,7 +1278,7 @@ class CourseVideoImageTest(TestCase):
Test number of queries executed to upload a course video image.
with self.assertNumQueries(4):
with self.assertNumQueries(6):
self.edx_video_id, self.course_id, ImageFile(open(self.image_path1)), 'image.jpg'
......@@ -1386,3 +1386,47 @@ class CourseVideoImageTest(TestCase):
self.assertEqual(len(exception_messages), 1)
self.assertEqual(exception_messages.pop(), u'Must be a valid list of strings.')
def test_video_image_deletion_single(self):
Test video image deletion works as expected when an image is used by only the video being updated.
existing_image_name =
# This will replace the image for self.course_video and delete the existing image
image_url = api.update_video_image(
self.edx_video_id, self.course_id, ImageFile(open(self.image_path2)), 'image.jpg'
# Verify that new image is set to course_video
course_video = CourseVideo.objects.get(, course_id=self.course_id)
self.assertEqual(, image_url)
# Verify that an exception is raised if we try to open a delete image file
with self.assertRaises(IOError) as file_open_exception:
self.assertEqual(file_open_exception.exception.strerror, u'No such file or directory')
def test_video_image_deletion_multiple(self):
Test video image deletion works as expected if an image is used by multiple course videos.
# Set and verify both course video images to have same image
shared_image = =
# This will replace the image for self.course_video but image will
# not be deleted because it is also used by self.course_video2
api.update_video_image(self.edx_video_id, self.course_id, ImageFile(open(self.image_path2)), 'image.jpg')
# Verify image for course_video has changed
course_video = CourseVideo.objects.get(, course_id=self.course_id)
self.assertNotEqual(, shared_image)
# Verify image for self.course_video2 has not changed
self.assertEqual(, shared_image)
# Open the shared image file to verify it is not deleted
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