""" Helper functions for bok_choy test tasks """ import httplib import os import subprocess import sys import time from paver import tasks from paver.easy import cmdopts, needs, sh, task from pavelib.utils.envs import Env from pavelib.utils.process import run_background_process from pavelib.utils.test.bokchoy_options import BOKCHOY_COVERAGERC, BOKCHOY_DEFAULT_STORE, BOKCHOY_DEFAULT_STORE_DEPR from pavelib.utils.timer import timed try: from pygments.console import colorize except ImportError: colorize = lambda color, text: text __test__ = False # do not collect @task @cmdopts([BOKCHOY_COVERAGERC, BOKCHOY_DEFAULT_STORE, BOKCHOY_DEFAULT_STORE_DEPR]) @timed def start_servers(options): """ Start the servers we will run tests on, returns PIDs for servers. """ coveragerc = options.get('coveragerc', Env.BOK_CHOY_COVERAGERC) def start_server(cmd, logfile, cwd=None): """ Starts a single server. """ print cmd, logfile run_background_process(cmd, out_log=logfile, err_log=logfile, cwd=cwd) for service, info in Env.BOK_CHOY_SERVERS.iteritems(): address = "{}".format(info['port']) cmd = ( "DEFAULT_STORE={default_store} " "coverage run --rcfile={coveragerc} -m " "manage {service} --settings {settings} runserver " "{address} --traceback --noreload".format( default_store=options.default_store, coveragerc=coveragerc, service=service, settings=Env.SETTINGS, address=address, ) ) start_server(cmd, info['log']) for service, info in Env.BOK_CHOY_STUBS.iteritems(): cmd = ( "python -m stubs.start {service} {port} " "{config}".format( service=service, port=info['port'], config=info.get('config', ''), ) ) start_server(cmd, info['log'], cwd=Env.BOK_CHOY_STUB_DIR) def wait_for_server(server, port): """ Wait for a server to respond with status 200 """ print( "Checking server {server} on port {port}".format( server=server, port=port, ) ) if tasks.environment.dry_run: return True attempts = 0 server_ok = False while attempts < 120: try: connection = httplib.HTTPConnection(server, port, timeout=10) connection.request('GET', '/') response = connection.getresponse() if int(response.status) == 200: server_ok = True break except: # pylint: disable=bare-except pass attempts += 1 time.sleep(1) return server_ok def wait_for_test_servers(): """ Wait until we get a successful response from the servers or time out """ for service, info in Env.BOK_CHOY_SERVERS.iteritems(): ready = wait_for_server(info['host'], info['port']) if not ready: msg = colorize( "red", "Could not contact {} test server".format(service) ) print msg sys.exit(1) def is_mongo_running(): """ Returns True if mongo is running, False otherwise. """ # The mongo command will connect to the service, # failing with a non-zero exit code if it cannot connect. output = os.popen('mongo --host {} --eval "print(\'running\')"'.format(Env.MONGO_HOST)).read() return output and "running" in output def is_memcache_running(): """ Returns True if memcache is running, False otherwise. """ # Attempt to set a key in memcache. If we cannot do so because the # service is not available, then this will return False. return Env.BOK_CHOY_CACHE.set('test', 'test') def is_mysql_running(): """ Returns True if mysql is running, False otherwise. """ # We need to check whether or not mysql is running as a process # even if it is not daemonized. with open(os.devnull, 'w') as os_devnull: #pgrep returns the PID, which we send to /dev/null returncode = subprocess.call("pgrep mysqld", stdout=os_devnull, shell=True) return returncode == 0 @task @timed def clear_mongo(): """ Clears mongo database. """ sh( "mongo --host {} {} --eval 'db.dropDatabase()' > /dev/null".format( Env.MONGO_HOST, Env.BOK_CHOY_MONGO_DATABASE, ) ) @task @timed def check_mongo(): """ Check that mongo is running """ if not is_mongo_running(): msg = colorize('red', "Mongo is not running locally.") print msg sys.exit(1) @task @timed def check_memcache(): """ Check that memcache is running """ if not is_memcache_running(): msg = colorize('red', "Memcache is not running locally.") print msg sys.exit(1) @task @timed def check_mysql(): """ Check that mysql is running """ if 'BOK_CHOY_HOSTNAME' in os.environ: # mysql should be running in a separate Docker container return if not is_mysql_running(): msg = colorize('red', "MySQL is not running locally.") print msg sys.exit(1) @task @needs('check_mongo', 'check_memcache', 'check_mysql') @timed def check_services(): """ Check that all required services are running """ pass