// Backbone Application View: Certificate Details

function($, _, str, gettext, BaseView, SignatoryModel, SignatoryDetailsView, ViewUtils, smoothScroll,
         certificateDetailsTemplate) {
    'use strict';
    var CertificateDetailsView = BaseView.extend({
        tagName: 'div',
        events: {
            'click .edit': 'editCertificate'

        className: function() {
            // Determine the CSS class names for this model instance
            return [
            ].join(' ');

        initialize: function() {
            // Set up the initial state of the attributes set for this model instance
            this.showDetails = true;
            this.listenTo(this.model, 'change', this.render);

        editCertificate: function(event) {
            // Flip the model into 'editing' mode
            if (event && event.preventDefault) { event.preventDefault(); }
            var self = this;
            if (this.model.get('is_active') === true) {
                    gettext('Edit this certificate?'),
                    gettext('This certificate has already been activated and is live. Are you sure you want to continue editing?'),
                    gettext('Yes, allow edits to the active Certificate'),
                    function() {
                        return self.model.set('editing', true);
            } else {
                this.model.set('editing', true);

        render: function(showDetails) {
            // Assemble the details view for this model
            // Expand to show all model data, if requested
            var attrs = $.extend({}, this.model.attributes, {
                index: this.model.collection.indexOf(this.model),
                showDetails: this.showDetails || showDetails || false
            if (this.showDetails || showDetails) {
                var self = this;
                this.model.get('signatories').each(function(modelSignatory) {
                    var signatory_detail_view = new SignatoryDetailsView({model: modelSignatory});

            if (this.model.collection.length > 0 && window.certWebPreview) {
                offset: 0,
                easing: 'swing',
                speed: 1000
            return this;
    return CertificateDetailsView;